
Are you able to celebrate?

Does that seem like a ridiculous question?

I find many people have a hard time celebrating.

Even when they experience a success, they move right onto the next goal, never allowing themselves to enjoy the celebration.

Why does celebration matter? Why should we get good at it?

We’ll explore celebration today. Come to the party, won’t you?

Simple Pleasures

The Joy of Pleasure

This is one of my favorite topics! Today, you're joining me live from my kitchen. I get a lot of pleasure out of cooking and eating. Oh yes, and the wine I enjoy with those! Sometimes I feel like pleasure has gone out of style.

Pleasure as a Necessity

Let's face it. We all need to take time for pleasure. Do I mean, anything goes? No, of course not. I balance my chicken in creamy wine sauce with taking Juice Plus to be sure I get all my fruits and veggies in, something that can be a challenge for me. I mentioned my daughter, Alyssa Crawford, is a fitness instructor, maybe you want to balance some movement with your eating, like I do.

Join me as we talk about the benefits of pleasure to help us live lavishly!

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