Do You Know Your Personal Truth?

Do you know your unique, personal truth? 

It's a question that goes deeper than it appears, especially when we consider how cultural messages and familial programming shape our identity. 

Many of us, whether we mean to or not, navigate life based on a script we didn't write, adhering to roles and behaviors that have been imposed upon us from an early age. 

This conditioning can be so ingrained that we mistake these learned responses and beliefs for our own, believing them to be our personal truth.

But let's consider the story of a client who thought she hated confrontation. It was her personal truth. Through our sessions, she uncovered that this belief stemmed from her childhood conditioning to avoid upsetting anyone and to always assume it was her fault in any conflict. 

Initially, her aversion to confrontation and her guilt in conflicts felt like her genuine self. However, as we delved deeper, she realized these were conditioned behaviors, not her true feelings, let alone her personal truth!

Her journey exemplifies the transformative process of coaching with me. By questioning her long-held belief and exploring the roots of her behavior, she discovered her actual truth, leading to a fulfilling and empowering conversation with her husband. 

This is not just about improving a single aspect of life; it's about unveiling the layers that obscure our genuine nature and potential.

Understanding and embracing your unique truth is a profound and liberating experience. It allows you to live authentically, making decisions that align with your inner values and desires rather than conforming to external expectations. This alignment leads to a sense of empowerment and fulfillment, as you begin to live a life that is genuinely yours, resonating with your core being.

Wherever you are on your journey of discovering your personal truth, I’m here to be a guide.

I’d love to chat with you about it. Book a FREE 15-minute call HERE and let’s discover if now is the right time and if I’m the right coach to guide you on your journey to truth. 

In Truth,


Unleashing Your Potential: The Art of Upgrading Your Life

Are you ready to take your life to the next level? Upgrade your mindset, dissolve limiting beliefs, and break free from dysfunctional patterns and habits holding you back from living your best life? 

Today, let’s explore powerful strategies to help you unleash your full potential and empower you to create the life you deserve!

The first step towards upgrading your life is acknowledging and addressing the limiting beliefs that are keeping you stuck. 

Take the time to identify negative thought patterns and self-sabotaging beliefs. Challenge their validity by questioning where they came from and reshape them with positive, empowering thoughts aligned with your aspirations and goals.

Another step is to write positive affirmations for yourself. I like to make them, “I am… “ statements. I am abundant. I am living in freedom. I am experiencing success. I am healthy. I prioritize self-care. Tell me some of your “I am…” statements! I’d love to hear them!

Then we need to take action! Upgrading your life also means building new, positive habits. Identify areas of your life that you want to upgrade. Start small by implementing one positive habit at a time and gradually incorporate more habits into your routine. By focusing on positive actions, you will create a ripple effect that positively impacts other areas of your life.

You have the power to upgrade your life and unleash your full potential! By recognizing and dissolving limiting beliefs, embracing positive affirmations and cultivating positive habits you can create the life you deserve!

The best news is, you don’t have to do it alone! I facilitate life upgrades with every client! It’s so much easier than figuring it out by yourself! Book a 15-Minute Connection Call
HERE and let’s talk about it. There’s no pressure. I’m here for you and the upgrades you want to make!

How to Navigate Challenging Times

During my two-and-a half years of being homeless, I promised myself that when it was over and life was easier, I would help people navigate their own challenging times. 

Today I want to share some of my best tools for navigating a challenging time!💜

First, if you want to hear more about my homeless story and the huge lesson I learned, you can watch the video HERE.  

Second, the more stressful life is, the more important it is to bring your focus to really small things that ARE working in your life. 

Why small things? Because when we can find the wins and feel gratitude in the small things, we pave the way for more possibilities in the big things. For example: 

  • Listen to a bird sing. Be present. This works for all things in nature. Maybe birds don’t wow you like they do me, pick a flower or tree. Allow yourself to feel the relief or joy or whatever emotion comes up for you. Nature is a beautiful self-soothing tool. 

  • Be grateful for things we usually take for granted, like clean water and hot water with the turn of the tap, your books, or a favorite spot in your home. Anything that is small, that you typically over-look, but now you’re being intentional! No matter what your challenge is, there are hundreds of things you can be grateful for. 

  • Upgrade some small life-style items like your bath soap, or dish soap. The pen you write with the coffee you drink. Being intentional about the details of your life has a powerful effect on your mindset and experience. I’m a coffee snob. Even when I was homeless and broke, somehow I managed to always have my favorite coffee on hand. I could start my day EXACTLY how I love to… with a delicious cup of Philz Coffee!! The more small pleasures you can focus on, the better you’ll feel, even if something huge is challenging you! 

If you’re going through a challenging time, please know that you're not alone! There’s so much more I can say on this topic. I’ve even thought about creating a program devoted to navigating challenging times. If that interests you, DM me on IG (@brendafloridacoach) or email me by hitting reply to this email. I always love hearing from you!!

From Darkness to Light: How to Navigate Challenging Times

I was homeless for two and a half years. That was a challenging time! 

It’s really hard to navigate challenging times! If you’re in one, you know! 

A Tic Tok video or Instagram Reel on mindset or abundance isn’t enough!

In today's episode of Uncover and Elevate I’m giving you my top three tools for navigating challenging times! You can use them for mini challenges or enormous ones! 

I’ll also share my biggest “failure” in navigating my own challenge with finances and homelessness. 

Listen to today’s episode HERE.

Please share this episode on social and tag me! Especially if you’re sharing it with someone going through a challenge! We all need support and to know we are not alone!

The Art of Upgrading Your Life

We all have dreams, aspirations, and a desire to live a fulfilling life. Yet, we often find ourselves stuck, limited by self-doubt, negative patterns, and habits that no longer serve us. It's time to break through those barriers and uplift ourselves to new heights.

In today’s episode of Uncover and Elevate I’m going to give you the tips and tools I use to upgrade my life and the lives of my clients! 

We’ll cover:

  • How to recognize limiting beliefs

  • How to make affirmations work!

  • You’re secret weapon: staying out of judgment

  • Cultivating positive habits

  • The importance of investing in yourself

Listen to today’s episode HERE

Please share this episode on social and tag me! Then I’d love for you to post a 5 Start Review wherever you get your podcasts. It makes such a big difference and will help others find the show. I’ll be incredibly grateful!

Experience Freedom - From the Inside-Out

Did you know that you have the power to set yourself free and unleash your unlimited potential.?

You deserve to live in freedom instead of anxiety, overwhelm and exhaustion! 

Today I’ve got some practical steps to help dissolve the beliefs and habits that keep you from the freedom you deserve. 

  1. Notice and Challenge Your Beliefs:

The first step to breaking free from beliefs and patterns that keep us feeling trapped, anxious and burned out, is to become aware of them. Take a moment to reflect on the beliefs, thoughts and stories you tell yourself, that hold you back. 

They are likely rooted in fear, self-doubt, or negative self-talk. Challenge them by questioning their validity. Are they 100% true? Take a breath and a pause before answering the question. You are intentionally slowing your mind down so that you can be open to a new thought. 

2.   Cultivate a Growth Mindset:

Adopting a growth mindset is pivotal to unlocking your freedom! You are deliberately choosing things that feel freeing instead of things that are stressful and exhausting. Your  journey doesn’t need to be perfect. Just keep moving forward.

3. Surround Yourself with Positive Influences:

The people we spend time with greatly influence our mindset and beliefs. Surround yourself with individuals who inspire, support, and uplift you. Seek out like-minded people, mentors, coaches - I’d love to chat with you about being your coach! Book a 15 Minute Connection Call HERE and let’s explore the possibility.

4.   Celebrate Your Progress:

As you embark on this journey of transformation, celebrate your progress along the way. Each step forward, no matter how small, is a victory!

What have you been taught to tolerate?

Most of us have been taught to tolerate all kinds of things that aren’t good for us. If you’re a woman, person of color or in the LGBTQ+ community… my god! You’ve probably been taught to tolerate all kinds of overt and covert abuse, aggression, microaggressions, racism, sexism, all kinds of isms. 

Maybe you fought back. 

Maybe, like me, you simply learned to tolerate it. 

In today’s important, encore episode of Uncover and Elevate I’ll share a personal story about how I was taught to tolerate emotional abuse and inequality. 

You’ll learn how: 

  • Even if we resist or fight back, the messages from our family, religion and culture can impact us deeply

  • What to do when you become aware of what you’re tolerating

  • How to love yourself into the fully authentic version of yourself

Listen to today’s episode HERE.

Please share this episode on social and tag me! Then I’d love for you to post a 5 Start Review wherever you get your podcasts. It makes such a big difference and will help others find the show. I’ll be incredibly grateful!

From Burnout to Balance: How to Overcome Exhaustion and Thrive

Do you ever feel like your life is out of control? That you're constantly running from one thing to the next, with no time to breathe or relax? Burnout and exhaustion are all too familiar for many of us, but there is hope. You can find balance and thrive, even in the midst of life's chaos.

But what does balance really mean? For some, it might mean having a stable work-life balance, while for others, it could mean finding more time for self-care or relaxation. Whatever it means for you, I'm here to assure you that it's possible.

Imagine waking up each morning feeling energized and excited for the day ahead. Picture yourself doing work that you love and spending time with people who lift you up. That's what thriving looks like, and it's something that we all deserve.

I've worked with many clients who have felt helpless and stuck in their lives. One of my clients felt like she couldn't truly live her life until her parents passed away. But through coaching, she realized that she had the power to create the life she wanted, and that she didn't have to wait for anyone else's permission.

It's time for you to step into your power, too. Start by exploring what brings you delight in life. How much time do you spend doing things that truly light you up? My free guide has tips for discovering what you really want out of life, and you can get it HERE.

If you're ready to take things to the next level and start thriving, book a 15-minute connection call with me. I've got three spots open right now for new clients, and one of them could be yours. Let's work together to create a life of balance, delight, and fulfillment. Book your call HERE.

This Blew My Client’s Mind!

In today’s “All Time Favorite Episode” of Uncover and Elevate you’ll hear the story about a recent session where the client was totally blown away! 

We were working with a “problem” she was having at home. Her inner critic was working overtime to keep her feeling diminished and like a failure. 

One of the special things about one-on-one coaching is using my intuition to decide which tool will help a client the most in that moment. 

I nailed it because she was totally blown away and had a HUGE breakthrough! And that’s what I love about the work I do! 

Listen to today’s episode HERE. 

I’d love to hear from you. Were you able to see how you can apply the same tool in your life? 

Do you have any questions about the tool? 

Are you interested in being a guest on Uncover and Elevate so we can uncover and elevate an issue in your life? I've got a simple form for you to fill out HERE. I’ll reach out after you’ve completed the form.

10 Tips for a Life of Delight

Are you craving a little delight in your life?

I recently created a free guide with my 10 Tips for Delight & Desire and you can get it right here!

We all need a little inspiration for rediscovering delight and desire! It’s so easy to slip away from the demands of life. 

What I’ve discovered over the last few years is that when I look for what delights me and explore  my desires, I end up coming back into my truth. Into my authentic self-expression! 

Our delights and desires are part of our unique ‘fingerprint’ in the world so they are key to finding and expressing our authentic nature. 

Not the version of ourselves we became in order to fit in, or keep the peace or feel safe and loved. Those are conditioned versions of ourselves that can feel authentic, but that’s just because we’re so familiar with them! Your authentic self is confident, doesn’t take things personally and knows that you are the prize! You are the gift! You are THE ONE! 

If you’re struggling to feel confident, to know that you are the prize, I’m the coach for you! Please take a step towards your authentic self by booking a 15-minute Connection Call and let’s explore whether now is the right time for you to work with me! There’s no obligation. It’s well worth checking out. Book your call HERE.


How do we cultivate worthiness?

Do you struggle with feeling worthy? 

Maybe you wouldn’t say it outloud, but inside, you carry a feeling of not being “good enough.” 

Today, on Uncover and Elevate, I’m going to share one of my most listened to podcasts from earlier this year. You’ll get some tips for cultivating a stronger sense of worthiness. 

I’ll also share with you: 

  • How our sense of worthiness gets conditioned out of us

  • What it feels like to feel worthy

  • My favorite tools for cultivating worthiness

Listen to this popular episode HERE.

I’d love to know if worthiness is something you struggle with? I’m thinking about creating a workshop on the topic and I’d love your input! Just hit reply and tell me about your relationship with your own worth! 

Please share this episode on social and tag me! Then I’d love for you to post a 5 Start Review wherever you get your podcasts. It makes such a big difference and will help others find the show. I’ll be incredibly grateful!

Summer of Self-Care: Giving Yourself Permission to Say Yes

Ahhh, Summer. Do you imagine lazy nights in the backyard watching the fireflies and sipping a glass of wine?

Or maybe you're imagining yourself in you chair on a beach, hiking in the mountains or any other activity that relaxes your body, mind and soul!

And then reality hits. 

The kids have a million things they need to be taken to.

Something happens at work that requires added time and energy. 

Your romantic relationship blows up. 

Your mom falls and can’t get up so you end up caring for her or making all the arrangements for her to be cared for. 

Life happens. 

It’s easy to let it rob us of time, money and even the energy to invest in our own self-care. 

What do you do? 

I know we can’t ignore life. 

Yet, when something is a priority, it seems to get done and everything else falls into place, or doesn’t happen and it ends up being okay. 

You know how it is right before you leave on vacation? Things get extra busy those last few days, yet, you get packed and get on the airplane or load the car and leave for the road trip! Because you prioritized it! 

I’m curious? What’s the hardest part of self-care to prioritize when life throws a ton of stuff at you? Is it your sleep? Movement? How you eat/drink? Maybe you cancel your massage, acupuncture and coaching appointments. Hit reply and share it with me!

There’s no need to judge or criticize yourself. Simply notice how you stopped prioritizing your own self-care and make adjustments. Give yourself permission to take care of yourself, no matter what! You aren’t going for perfection. Every moment and every bit of energy you devote to yourself will pay off 10-fold!

Discover Your True Path: Empower Yourself to Live with Joy

What does living in joy have to do with discovering your truth? 

Joy is a great way to know if you’re in your truth or in a conditioned response that feels like the truth. 

In today’s episode of Uncover and Elevate I’m going to break that down and explain: 

  1. How to know if your in your truth or a conditioned response

  2. How joy can be your barometer for truth

  3. How tuning into your body and bring clarity to the process. 

Listen to today’s episode HERE. 

Let me know if you resonate with what I’ve shared and if you’ve got a spot where you struggle to know, or trust, your truth. You can email me, or DM me!

Please share this episode on social and tag me! Then I’d love for you to post a 5 Start Review wherever you get your podcasts. It makes such a big difference and will help others find the show. I’ll be incredibly grateful!