What Motivates You?

What motivates you?

Really motivates you?

What will make you get up extra early? Or stay up extra late?

Loose track of time?

Juggle your schedule around to make it work?

Make you ignore your phone for hours?

What do you yearn for?

Yearn? I mean, really, who says that? Yearn is not a word we use often, but I think it's the perfect word for any activity, project, business, creative endeavor or dream that is so deeply important and meaningful that we rearrange our schedules, lose sleep (in a good way) and may even cause us to forget about our phones!

I yearn to live lavishly.

It all started three and-a-half years ago. I was in Martha Beck Life Coach Training and Marie Forleo's B-School. I yearned for my own coaching practice. I wanted the independence and autonomy that being an entrepreneur would give me. I wanted to heal myself at a deeper level and help others heal, knowing that, in doing so, we would collectively help heal the world. A lofty idea, I suppose, but thinking big is part of my DNA.

B-School is all about creating an online business that you love. Marie Forleo is a genius.

One day our homework was to think about business names, tag lines and other things we might use in our websites and marketing materials. Out of the blue, came the words, Live Lavishly.

Live Lavishly. It surprised me. I questioned it. Did it sound materialistic? What did it mean?

Of course I knew. It resonated with me deeply. Even when I mentally poo-poo'd it, it kept coming back.

Live Lavishly.

A tag line is born.

It never left me. I used it in my website and marketing for the first year or so. Then I dropped it. I didn't want people to think of it as a materialistic thing. I dismissed its resonance in my own soul.

Then I went to Paris this summer. Everything about Living Lavishly was re-born in me. It is me. I want a lavish life. I want live fully. Big. Bold. Bravely. In freedom, truth and equality. I love 5-star living too. I'm not ashamed of that. Fabulous hotels, amazing food, beautiful cloths and accessories. And...living lavishly is so much more than anything material.

A manifesto is born.

I decided to create a manifesto that would articulate what it means to me to Live Lavishly. You can get the manifesto here.

After returning from Paris I decided to create a series of videos, one for each principle of the manifesto. It was so much fun elaborating on each one and including some cool life coaching tips and tricks. Here's the YouTube playlist.

Throw-back Thursday

In the spirit of throw-back Thursday, I've included a photo from the original thought. Three and-a-half years ago when the tagline, Live Lavishly, came to me, I painted it on the cover of my B-School notebook.

It's taken me a few years to discover and develop what it means to me to Live Lavishly. I'm still growing into it. What I knew then, that I know for sure, is that I yearn to live lavishly. I can't  stop. I can't put it down. It's part of my mission and purpose in the world.

What do you yearn for?