Have you ever….

The most courageous act is still to think for yourself. Aloud. Coco Chanel

I love that quote!

This week you might be accessing your courage in new ways. 

You might be doing things you’ve never done before. 

Speaking up for what you want and need. 

Allowing yourself to say no. 

Allowing yourself to take care of yourself. 

Allowing for things to go undone. 

Think for yourself… out loud. Whether it’s with someone else, or yourself. 

Let’s face it, sometimes it’s only ourselves that we need to say no to. The part of us that is a relentless taskmaster. That tells us we can’t stop. Can’t rest. Can’t take a break. 

Speak up. Tell her there’s a new boss in town and she’s going to have to get used to things being a little different. This boss loves you too much to work you to exhaustion.

How will you be courageous? What are you doing differently or saying no to? I’d love to hear! Tell me about it!