Whose Business is it? 🤔

“I think my spouse is avoiding me.”

“I think he/she’s mad because I _______________”

“I know they are being critical to punish me for what I did/said.” 

We get plenty of ideas about what and why other people do what they do, what they think, how they feel or how they react to us. 

When we say them to ourselves or a friend, we are sure we are correct. 

We might even say it’s our intuition or empathy. 

But is it? 

Think right now of a time you were sure a friend, family member or romantic partner was mad at you. Really sure. 

Then, you found out, that wasn’t the case at all! They were busy and couldn’t call. They didn’t hear you so didn’t respond. They were distracted. They were caught off guard and weren’t sure what to say.

Whatever the situation, you realized, as convicted as you were that they were mad, you were wrong. 

When we decide what another person is thinking, feeling, their motivation for doing something, etc. we are in “their business.” 

What do I mean? 

There are three kinds of business. 

  1. God’s business

  2. Other’s business

  3. My business

The simple truth is that the only place I have any business being, is my business. 

When we start projecting what and why others think, feel and act, we actually disorient ourselves, from our Selves. 

Capital S on purpose. 

Your higher Self is always in our own business. What do I need to do to prioritize myself, to take care of myself, to give myself what I need. 

Our little self is much more concerned about what others are thinking, feeling and doing because she/he will adapt, adopt, get angry, put on a smile, keep his/her mouth shut, etc. based on the other person. This is the people pleaser who diminishes, dismisses and disempowers us. 

Our higher Self brings us back into our authentic power.  

Right now, think of one situation you’re concerned about. Instead of thinking about the other person, ask yourself, “what do I need to support me and my highest good, in this situation?” 

Then wait. Listen.  Wait and listen to how your higher Self responds. You’ll know it’s your higher Self because the response will be about you, not the other person. 

Your higher Self may want you to address the situation with another person, but the guidance is for you, about you, it’s for you. Now, you’re in your business. 

It’s liberating and empowering to stay in our business. 

It’s also very counter-culture. So… this is a new skill you’re creating. 

Tell me what guidance you get from your higher Self. It’s the most exciting thing. 

If you’re frustrated and unsure if you’ve actually tapped into your higher Self, that’s where I come in. 

It’s hard to start a new skill on your own, and there’s no need to. Reach out and let’s talk. In about 15-Minutes we’ll both know if now is the right time and if I am the right coach. Take the first step. Schedule your call HERE.