What would you do with 20% MORE energy?

That’s how I feel after taking a week off and showering myself in self-care and self-love! It was amazing! 

Think about all the energy that you give to others and imagine, if you were to take just 20% of that back for yourself, what could happen? What would you do? 

  • Rest?

  • Create a piece of art?

  • Spend time in meditation, journaling or some other soul-nurturing practice?

  • Finally go to yoga, pilates, a peloton class or whatever floats your boat physically?

  • Start a business?

  • Pursue a new job or new direction in your career?

What would be possible with 20% more energy in your day? Every day.

That’s the life I choose. The life where I get to use my energy for the projects, creations and self-love I was created for. 

Does that mean I’m selfish? I don’t think so. 

I give and I give generously. I just do it out of the overflow instead of obligation or to make someone else happy. I give and do for others because I am moved to do it. 

Tell me, what would you do with 20% more energy?