Empowerment and Freedom in 90 Days?

Do you ever think about what your life could be like in 90 days? 

Most of us don’t. We keep going, day after day. Months go by. Years go by. 

One day, we’re struck by the thought, “how did I get here?” Or, “how did so much time pass?”

I am going to invite you to be intentional about the next 90 days.  In 90 days we’ll be entering the holiday season with Thanksgiving right around the corner. 

What would you like to do now so that when November rolls around you’re thinking, “Wow! I didn’t know I could feel this much freedom and empowerment!” As one of my clients said to me recently, “I didn’t know how much every area of my life would improve once I started setting boundaries!” 

For her empowerment and freedom came through setting boundaries. For you, it might be something different… or you might also need the liberation setting boundaries provides. 

Whatever it is, we can begin the process now. That way in November you’ll be entering the holiday season as your “new self.” 

You deserve to experience the most liberated, empowered, confident, grounded, abundant and generous version of yourself. To see how much better everything in your life can be. 

This is my invitation to work with me over the next 90 days. I created a one-on-one coaching package called, It’s Your Turn. Because, damn it, it is!! 

All you need to do is complete this brief form, https://brendaflorida.typeform.com/to/jcuQt1LR 

I’ll reach out to you after that we’ll decide if I am the right coach for you and if now is the right time. 

Space is limited so choose to invest in yourself now. It’s Your Turn.