
How to Create More Joy

We can all use more joy!

Joy is empowering. 

Joy is expanding. 

Joy is actually a natural state for you, it’s just that most of us have been conditioned to think it’s not. 

Today I wanted to give you some ideas for cultivating more joy, empowerment and expansion. The more you feel it, the more natural it seems. 

  1. Be intentional about joy. Look for it. Notice it. Putting on a lovely body cream can give you joy. But not if you’re rushed and not paying attention. It becomes one more thing to do. Let the small mundane things in life be part of cultivating joy. Set the intention to notice how lovely that cream is and how good it feels on your body! Then think of ten other mundane things in your day you can turn into little hits of joy! 

  2. Small things matter. These tulips I bought for $10 have been bringing me joy for days! It’s a small thing, but because I am intentional about creating joy, those tulips become a hit of joy! 

  3. Be grateful and appreciative for the many things in your life that bring you joy! A few big things might come to mind right away; a relationship that brings you a lot of joy, your home, or a recent vacation, but don’t forget the small things that you probably take for granted; the way your heart beats without you asking it to, the fact that you have hot water you can access by turning on the tap… every day, all day! The books you have or the beautiful clothes you have (even if you have some you don’t think are beautiful) we are surrounded by so many wonderful things! Being grateful for them increases the joy in our lives. 

What do you say, how about we work on cultivating more joy, together! My week started with the tulips. What will you do to cultivate joy in your life today? Hit reply and let me know!

Powerful Holiday Boundaries

The holiday season can be the most wonderful time of the year, a bright time for celebration and reflection, for connecting with family and friends, and for loving one another. It can also be a time of stress and overwhelm if some family members didn’t get that “good tidings” memo, or if you just need some extra TLC. Either way, in addition to those beautifully wrapped presents, your holiday will be more joyful if you remember to bring this very important thing: And that is BOUNDARIES!

Setting boundaries among family members can be doubly challenging. Boundaries are the key to protecting your mental health and guarding your wellbeing. If you struggle with asserting boundaries or just need some prompts to get you started, then this Episode is for you!

In today’s episode of Liberate Your People Pleaser I’m going to dig deep and answer some  very important questions regarding today’s topic:

How to set boundaries with family over the holidays?

how to leverage gratitude for your benefit

Why don't affirmations often work?

Why is gratitude working better than affirmations?

And much more…Listen to today’s episode HERE

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