life coach

What's stopping you?

...from your dream job? 

...from making more money in your business? 

...from quitting a soul-sucking job? 

...from making as much money as you want to make? 

What ever it is, I promise you we can take it on and generate transformation in your life. 

I'm going to have five spots open up for one-on-one coaching soon. I haven't been able to offer much one-on-one coaching because of other commitments, so I'm excited my calendar is opening up.

One-on-one coaching is the most powerful way to remove anything that is stopping you. A bold claim, but it's true! I'll be with you every step of the way. To explore working with me privately, hop on over to my coaching page, scroll to the bottom and you'll see my scheduler. Select "30 Min Intro Call" and book your time. There's no charge - no obligation, it's a great opportunity to see if we will work well together.

I can't wait to hear from you!  


Why I Hired a Coach

"We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them." Albert Einstein

I use that quote often when I consult and speak to companies about how to improve performance with their people and solve problems in the organization. 

Here's the truth. It's actually very hard NOT to use the same kind of thinking. 

How do we really change the way we think when 95% of our thoughts are unconscious, meaning they are a habit we don't think about, like brushing our teeth? You don't look at your toothbrush every morning wondering what the heck to do with it! You don't even have to think about the steps involved in brushing your teeth. You do it without thinking about it. It's an unconscious habit. 

That's the way 95% of your thoughts are. 

How do we change? 

How do we become aware of the 95% that causes us to repeat the thoughts that don't serve us? That keep us from finding the new thought to solve the problem with? 

I call my coach! 

Yep. I have two coaches I work with regularly. They think of things I don't think of. 

Whether it's a challenge in my business or in a personal relationship, they will ask me a question [that I never thought of] that takes me to a new thought. 

That's what a great coach does. It's simple. It's profound. 

Do you need a coach? 

All of us have things in our life that could use some new thoughts injected into them. Maybe it's a stalled career. Maybe you want to start a business or expand your business. Maybe there's a personal relationship that needs something new injected into it. Maybe you've lost site of your dreams and want to put some juice into your life and awaken those dreams. 

New thoughts will help you with all of those. As a coach, that's what I do. I help my clients think new thoughts. Grow their business. Get a new job. Ask for a raise or promotion. Work on their relationships, awaken those dreams and create a lavish life! 

I offer free, 30 minute "Introduction" calls so we can chat about what you want to get out of coaching and to see if we are a good fit. No obligations. Check it out and schedule your Intro session today from my website.

Love yourself enough to say, "Enough already."

Have you ever thought…I’m not _________ enough?

You can fill in the blanks in your own way, but here are the common ones I hear…

Not smart enough.

Not educated enough.

Not connected to enough of the right people.

Not old or young enough.

There isn’t enough time.

Not enough money.

Not enough resources.

None of them are very loving, are they? Let’s love ourselves enough to say, Enough Already!

You are enough. You have enough. Right now.

It’s just a matter of finding them. Once you find them, you slay them!

I’ve got a new online program coming out designed to coach you through how to do it!

Enough Already is a program I’m creating. It’s going to take you through each “Not Enough” thought and disempower it. Turn it to mush. Make it melt.

You got it.

I’m creating a kick-ass online program. A bold statement. Why is it kick-ass?

Because I’m going to coach you through the entire process-- from those awesome, big dreams of yours to finding those insidious, beastly “Not Enough” thoughts, then we’ll blast them with down-to-earth, hard-hitting coaching magic that will melt their wicked impact on your life.

How do I know how to do this? How can I teach you?

Because I’ve been there and done that! It’s a cliché, but it’s true… That’s right. I’m not too proud to say it. I’ve been where you are. I was so frustrated because my life didn’t reflect my dreams. I took a deep dive and discovered that I had all these, “Not Enough” thoughts running around in my head that sabotaged the things I was trying to do to reach my dreams.

Once I know what’s in my way, I’ll move heaven and earth to get it out of my way!

I’ll coach you and teach you to do the same.

So let’s kick some serious ass and get you on track to live the life of your dreams.

Right now all you need to do is say “Yes!” to being an Enough Already Insider.

As an Enough Already Insider, you’ll be the first to know when registration opens. There’s no obligation as an Enough Already Insider. In fact, you get special, free bonuses that non-Insiders won’t get! No need to FOMO with this one!

Sign up now as an Enough Already Insider. Bam! You’ll get an email in a couple of minutes with your free bonuses inside!

As if that wasn’t enough….I’m throwing in more!

As an Insider, you’ll get special pricing PLUS a discount if you “bring a friend” when registration opens. All that for signing up now as an Insider! Remember, there’s no obligation to register. When registration opens and you see all the details of the program, if it doesn’t feel right to you, no worries, enjoy your Insider bonuses. 

Let's make 2018 the year of being Enough Already!