
Can we be happy all the time?

“You made me mad!” and, “You make me so happy!” 

Although these figures of speech are very colorful, they also imply that the responsibility for your happiness lies outside you. If someone makes you feel happy/sad/mad/whatever, then that person can also make you feel unhappy/less sad/not mad/whatever. If your mental state is controlled by what another person does, then you can never be truly happy. After all, you can’t control what anyone does, so how can you ever be truly happy for extended periods?

In today’s episode of Liberate Your People Pleaser I’m going to dig deep and answer some very important questions regarding today’s subject.

The relationship between a People pleaser and being truly happy.

Can you be happy without a relationship or friends?

Can you make other people happy even if you aren’t?

How can you ever be truly happy for extended periods?

I’m discussing all of these questions in this week’s Episode with my guest Dr. Marissa AKA "The Asian Oprah"

Listen to today’s episode HERE.

And let me finish off with this quote. ~” Don’t be someone else to make others Happy, just be yourself and the right person will Love you for who you are”.

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What’s your happiness set-point?

Did you know that we are predisposed to a happiness “set-point?”

If you’ve ever noticed it seems easier for some people to be happier than you are - or visa versa, today’s podcast interview with Kim Strobel will tell you why.  

Kim is a happiness expert and we had a dynamic and exciting conversation on today’s episode of Liberate Your People Pleaser. You can listen HERE or watch the video HERE

Our conversation inspired me to get very transparent about some things I’ve been working on, but more than that, Kim’s got some very specific tools you can use to improve your level of happiness.

And if you’re thinking that Kim is an expert on happiness because her life has been overflowing with happiness since the day she was born… guess again! 

Kim shares very intimately her experience with panic attacks and how that took her on a journey to the happiness coaching she does now. 

Don’t miss this inspiring and practical episode for increasing your level of happiness! 

There’s no better way to start 2021!