Extreme TLC!

Are you ready to feel energized and cared for?


It’s time for some Extreme Tender-Loving-Care!


It’s been a crazy roller-coaster the last several months! Most of us are worn out.


Mentally, emotionally, spiritually and physically fatigued.


I know, it feels impossible to add TLC into your routine!


Self-care is just another thing you’re “supposed to do” that you don’t have time for!


But, you’re growth-minded! You’re not interested in being a victim to this strange point in time.


You have the intention to grow and unfold deeper into the authentic expression of yourself.


So, what’s the solution?


I’ve got two tips. They are intentional. They don’t happen by accident. You choose them. And as soon as you do that, you’ll feel the upward spiral of your energy.


1.     Intentional self-care. This is something you do each day for yourself. You don’t even need to “add” anything to your day, as long as this act of self-care is pleasurable and intentional. What I mean by intentional is that you fix your attention on what you are doing and claim it for yourself as self-care.


Instead of gabbing coffee and checking email or social media and letting your coffee get cold; you get your coffee, pour it into your favorite mug and intentionally choose to enjoy it. You focus on gratitude and loving self-talk. No distractions. Your email and social media can wait 10 minutes. You are intentionally giving yourself the pleasure of that coffee.


It could be as simple as your routine shower or bath time. But this time, you’re going to be intentional. You’re going to focus on gratitude and loving self-talk rather than letting your mind rattle through the day or other distracting thoughts.


Intentional self-care. It’s magical.


2.     Ask yourself this powerful question: What is seeking to emerge for my growth and benefit? The quality of the answers we get in life are dependent on the quality of the questions we ask. Ask a shitty question (why is this happening? When will it end?) and you’ll get a shitty answer (the world is falling apart. Who the hell knows?) The answer is based in fear.


When you ask the empowering question, “what is seeking to emerge for my growth and benefit?” The heart and mind will look for something powerful! Grab your journal or voice recorder on your phone! Even with the same issue that you used a shitty question for, you’ll come up with completely different answers!


A client of mine was struggling with her relationship. She had a lot of shitty questions about this relationship. “Why do I keep ruining my relationships?” “Why do I keep choosing the wrong kind of man?” It was no surprise to me that all of her answers were self-critical and dis-empowering.


When we changed the question to, “how are my relationship patterns helping me know what is seeking to emerge for my growth and benefit.” She got amazing and powerful answers that liberated her in her relationship!


Try these two things this week and I promise, you’ll feel the energetic upgrade!


I’d love to hear what you did for intentional self-care and how you felt when you asked the powerful question, “What is seeking to emerge for my growth and benefit?” Hit reply and tell me all about it!


In love and light,




PS. Soon I’ll be sharing more about a virtual workshop I’m creating called, Extreme TLC! If you want to know more, email me and let me know you need some Extreme TLC! I’ll make sure you’re the first to know when it’s available!