
What Delights You?

When was the last time you thought about what would delight you? 


What’s the first thing that comes up for you? 

Do you instantly think of something that would delight you? 

Or do you think, “I don’t have time to think about what delights me!” 

It’s a powerful question. Here’s how I use it in a very practical way…

I am on a deadline to get this blog out. Fine. Writing this blog and getting it on Instagram, emailed out to everyone on my email list and putting on the blog section of my website is on my “To-Do” list. 

Now I’m going to add the question, “what can I do that will feel delightful while I do these tasks to get this blog to you?”

A simple answer came to me. Instead of sitting at my desk to get it all done, I’ll take my laptop and sit on my front porch so I can be outside, see all the hummingbirds flying around, and enjoy the sunshine. 

BAM! Suddenly the tasks to get my blog out are more… delightful! 

How would your day feel different if you found three things that you need to do and simply added a little delight to them? 

Delight has become part of my self-care routine. I frequently ask myself, “how can I make this delightful?” Suddenly even a boring To-Do list is more interesting and fun. When we invite delight into the mundane aspects of life, we’ve elevated our experience. 

Tell me, what will you do to make something delightful today? 

That’s what self-care looks like. That’s what self-love looks like. Taking that extra moment to bring more delight into your life.

What do you want to give yourself this holiday season?

There’s nothing more impactful than the gift of self-love and self-care. 

But, those are easier said than done! Am I right? 

Everyone talks about self-care and self-love, but how do we actually DO IT?! 

And how do we do it without it becoming one more thing on our too long to-do list, or one more thing on our list of self-criticisms because we aren’t doing it!? 

Start here. 

Wipe the slate clean. Today is a fresh starting point. 

How can you love and care for yourself today? 

It might be to take one thing off your to-do list, because… you can. I know you want to do it or feel like you should, but if it doesn’t feel loving, be brave enough to take it off and feel how loving it is! 

It might be scheduling a self-care service for yourself. A mani/pedi or massage. Or how about a service to make your life easier like calling a cleaning service, even if it’s just for one time, or getting your gifts wrapped. 

It might be giving yourself the gift of my luxury retreat, Elevate Your Life. This retreat will be transformational. You’ll be able to take self-care and self-love to the next level. You’ll get time and sacred space with a few like-minded women to elevate every area of your life that needs elevating. You will leave feeling relaxed, cared-for and rejuvenated. Get all the deets and secure your spot HERE

Whatever you do, just start. Choose yourself. Everyone in your life will benefit from it. 

Today is a fresh starting point.

Are you ready to invest in yourself?

We invest in a lot of things in our lives. 

Our jobs or business. 

Our family.

Our relationships. 

And we don’t always get the return we were hoping to get. 

In today’s episode of Uncover and Elevate I’ll share with you the secret of guaranteed return on investment…. Investing in yourself! 

You can listen to today’s episode HERE. 

Investing in ourselves can come in big and small ways like: 

Let me know how you are going to invest in yourself this holiday season! 

Please share this episode on social and tag me! Then I’d love for you to post a 5 Start Review wherever you get your podcasts. It makes such a big difference and will help others find the show. I’ll be incredibly grateful!

Does this ever get to you?


Our inner-tormentor. 

“You did that wrong.” 

“You’ve ruined it.” 

“If you hadn’t done that, then this wouldn’t have happened.” 

Does your inner-tormentor follow you wherever you go? 

Almost every client I’ve had in the last few weeks has been dealing with it big time! As I coached them into self-love… which is the only cure for self-judgment… I realized… 

I was doing it too!! 

I was looking at my life, and a few of the things I’d like to be different and boom! My self-judgment went into full swing! 

“If you hadn’t done that, this wouldn’t be happening.” Ugh!

I’ll give you the simple solution I gave myself and my clients, the answer to the end of self-judgment is self-love. 

Here’s how to do it. 

Whatever your inner-judge is throwing at you, love it, like it was a little kid trying something new. 

When a child starts something new, let’s say learning to play the saxophone, as a mother of a child who did that, let me tell you, it’s not pretty! Your kid is going to make lots of mistakes while they are learning. It will be painful to your ears! You’ll want them to stop! But you won’t tell them to quit or that they sound terrible - yes you never do - because you love them and they are learning something new. 

Everything we do in life is learning something new. The person we are today is doing something they’ve never done before as the person they are today. They may have done it from the person they were yesterday or 6 months ago or two years ago, but every day is a new day. You’ve never been here before. 

When judgment comes in to tell you that you’re going to fail before you even begin lovingly tell judgment that today is a new day and doesn’t need to be defined by yesterday. Love it for trying to protect you, even though you don’t want to be protected that way anymore. 

When it comes to tell you that you screwed up before so that’s why things aren’t the way you want them now, lovely tell judgment that you were doing your best back then and it’s okay if it didn’t all go the way you wanted it to. You’re on your way and that’s what matters. 

Love. Love will silence the inner-tormentor, the inner-critic, the inner-judge. Love will keep you picking up that saxophone until you know how to make beautiful music with it. 

And that music will heal you and make the world a better place. 

If you need a coach to help you through this transformation of your inner-judgment, I’d love to chat! Book a 15-Minute Call and tell me where you’re feeling beat up by your inner-judge! 

Are You Avoiding This?

Are you avoiding going to the beach and being seen in your swimsuit?

Are you avoiding going to the gym to avoid being seen in your workout clothes?

If it sounds familiar, keep on reading…

In our society, body shaming is seemingly never-ending. There are very few of us who don't have some sort of shame around our bodies. 

It can be difficult to love your body without effort and there are many challenges to face before one feels compassion, acceptance, and ultimately love for their body. 

The truth is that bodies come in all shapes and sizes, and that all bodies are valuable no matter what they look like or how healthy they are. Everyone who loves you will love you just as much no matter how much you weigh. But till we really begin to accept our bodies exactly the way they are, we will continue with that criticism from the culture and from within.

In Today’s Episode of Liberate Your People Pleaser, I’m gonna share with you should be avoiding, I’m also going to dig deeper and answer some very important questions regarding today’s topic:

- What is Body- Shame?

- How to Move Through Feelings of Body Shame?

- Why should we start to diminish those voices of criticism?

- Why should you love your body the way it is?

Listen to today’s episode HERE

If you like Today’s Episode, please don’t hesitate to post a 5-Stars review if you’re listening to the Podcast on Apple iTunes or Spotify and leave us a review telling us how our podcast helped you in a specific aspect of your life. It makes me so happy to see listeners' feedback because it motivates me to create content that is impactful for you and other listeners.

Put Yourself at the Top of Your List!

Today I’m sharing one of my most listened to podcasts! Even if you heard it when it originally aired on Christmas Day, 2021, it will feel fresh and new today. Why, because you’re in a different place now then you were then. 

Growing up we were often taught that being selfless is better than being selfish. But there’s a huge difference between being selfish and taking care of yourself. Overwhelm will often kick in when we’re running around taking care of everybody else, and haven’t stopped and considered what we need to do to take care of ourselves.

Because putting the happiness and well being of others before our own wants and needs is a formula for exhaustion, overwhelm and burn-out. We cannot be our best selves living our best lives if we constantly put others before ourselves.

In today’s episode of Liberate Your People Pleaser I’m going to dig deep and answer some  very important questions regarding today’ topic:

Why do you need to put Yourself at the Top of Your List?

How to drop the habits of people-pleasing?

How to stop prioritizing other people over yourself without being selfish?

How to Start Setting Boundaries and Prioritizing Your Needs?

And much more.

Listen HERE.

I’ll see you next week with a NEW episode of Liberate Your People Pleaser!

What if Love Really Heals Every Wound?

I had the honor and joy of marrying my son and his fiance this weekend. (Photos on IG soon!)

I thought about love a lot. 

My journey of love. 

Romantic love. 


The love of family. 

The love of friends. 

I’ve experienced so much healing in my life because of love. 

While others were at times a part of that and I healed through their love…

The truth is, it has been the journey of loving myself that my deepest healing has occurred. 

That’s why I love coaching so much. 

You could say, what I do is coach clients into healing themselves by loving themselves. 

Do you want it? Do you want that deeply healing experience of loving yourself into life? 

For just two more days, June 30, I’m offering a crazy affordable “Love Heals” coaching package. Three, one-hour sessions for $300! Consider it my love offering to you and your journey. 

Whatever needs healing. Whatever you want. It is possible for you… through the power of love. 

Get your Love Heals package HERE. 

Do you want to know my favorite question?

We all get stuck. 

When we’re stuck it’s super easy to spiral into self-criticism and doubt. 

It’s an ugly spiral! 

Instead… I invite you to use my favorite question… “What is seeking to emerge?” 

It’s so gentle. It’s not-judgmental. It’s loving. It doesn’t invite the downward spiral. 

Now, the challenge is, your mind might respond with, “ummmm... I don’t know.” 

What’s seeking to emerge is a new way of approaching whatever has you stuck or uncertain. Our mind usually goes blank when we try a new way of approaching things. No problem.

That’s where I come in. 

When you work with me, I’ll coach into your own inner wisdom to explore the answers to that question. 

You’ll be surprised. My clients are often surprised. I get a lot of “Wow! I never thought of that,” from clients. That’s how I know we’re getting to the truth. The real truth. Not what you’ve been conditioned to or influenced by others into. Just your pure truth. It’s so beautiful! 

I’m going to make it really easy for you too. I’ve been inspired to offer 3 full, one-hour sessions, for $300! That’s a huge discount off my normal rate. I’m calling it the Love Heals package because “what’s seeking to emerge? Is a loving question.

I trust my inner wisdom when it tells me to do something like this, so whether you’ve worked with me in the past, are working with me now and want to add-on these sessions or want to use this opportunity to work with me for the first time, this offer is for you. 

Get my Love Heals package for $300! There’s even a payment plan! This spectacular opportunity ends on June 30, so do it now before this email gets buried in your inbox and find out what is seeking to emerge in your life.

On my way….

I’m on my way home after 6 glorious days in Hawaii today! 

But I wanted to ask you, before I take off… 

What do you want? 

What do you want more of? 

What do you want less of? 

Your secret is safe with me! I am a judgement free zone. 

I’m more inspired and absolutely certain that my mission is to help you get more… and less of what you want in your life! 

No need to figure out how or tell yourself it’s not possible for you. 

I promise. It is. 

I’ll help you get there. 

DM me and tell me what you want more of and what you want less of. 

How do you want to feel when summer is over?

It’s so easy to end the summer exhausted! 

You do so much for family and friends. 

There are so many activities. 

The fantasy of time at the pool or beach, reading a book in your lounge chair doesn’t seem to become a reality. 

September comes and you’re glad to get back to a “normal” routine and hope things settle down a bit. 

How about a luxury get-away to whisk you out of the summer and into the best September you’ve ever had? 

That’s what I’ve got for you with the Say Yes Luxury Retreat. 

Take yourself away for 5 days and indulge in… YOURSELF! 

You’ve earned it! 

Imagine what will happen when you get away from the hustle and bustle of home, leave your responsibilities and obligations behind and spend 5 days luxuriating in beautiful Huntington Beach, CA with all your needs taken care of, a circle of like-minded women and me as your host and life coach for 5 days! 

The sky’s the limit! 

All you need to do is, Say Yes!

Registration closes tomorrow and there’s only 1 spot left! 

Do it for you. You’ve earned it. 

In liberation, 


PS. If you aren’t sure if the retreat is right for you, hit reply and ask me anything! You don’t want this opportunity for rejuvenation, inspiration, transformation and restoration to pass you by!

Let me know if you want this!

Have you ever wondered what a coaching session with me would do for you? 

Here’s your chance to find out! 

I’m giving away 3 Coaching Sessions!


If you:

  • Feel overworked and underappreciated

  • Have a decision coming up you don’t have clarity on

  • Realize Imposter Syndrome has you second-guessing yourself at work or in your business

  • Don’t feel seen and heard in your relationship

  • Want to have the courage to start dating

  • Or feel stuck or overwhelmed about something 

This is for you! 

I’ve coached clients with issues just like those, and tons more, into finding their own answers, their own power, confidence, clarity and self-love. 

All you need to do is complete this simple form. It will only take a few minutes, and tell me what’s got you stuck, angry, second guessing yourself, feeling overwhelmed… whatever it is. 

I’ll be drawing the names of 3 lucky winners in a few days, so don’t wait. Complete the Curious about Coaching form to enter the drawing. 

You’re going to love how you feel after our session! 

Are you looking for love?

Are you looking for love? ... but it’s just not happening..

Well, many of us are seeking to find our perfect companion/lover/partner. We crave having someone by our side who will love us through our moments of imperfection, and share the memories of our lives with us. We’ve seen enough movies about it, so it must be possible, right?

In today’s episode of Liberate Your People Pleaser I’m going to dig deep & discuss this topic with my guest, Valerie DiLuggo. Valerie is a marriage & family therapist in San Mateo, CA. She currently practices at Catholic Charities Cyo. She is also a Dating & Relationship Coach, her goal is to help people find, nurture & celebrate love!

 What you will discover:

- How to find real Love and how to keep it?

- How To Prioritise Self-Love While You’re In A Relationship?

- Why should you stop abandoning yourself for the other in a Relationship?

- What is EMDR?

And much more… Listen to today’s episode HERE

If you like Today’s Episode, please don’t hesitate to post a 5-Stars review if you’re listening to the Podcast on Apple iTunes or Spotify and leave us a review telling us how our podcast helped you in a specific aspect of your life. It makes me so happy to see listeners' feedback because it motivates me to create content that is impactful for you and other listeners.

Does Coaching Really Work? An Interview w/Meredith Jacks

Working with a coach has become more common than it was a few years ago. From professional athletes to successful business professionals, from mid-life moms to college graduates, the reasons for working with a coach are as varied as the individuals.

But, no matter how you look at it, life throws a lot of challenges at us! With so much pressure and so many obligations, it’s clear to see why we often feel overwhelmed and anxious. 

That’s why a good life coach is so important. We often get so ingrained and set in our ways that it’s hard to see things from a fresh perspective. It’s difficult to fathom and digest the possibilities that exist out there in the world when we’re so used to operating within what we’ve deemed “safe” for so long.

In today’s episode of Liberate Your People Pleaser I’m going to dig deep & discuss this topic with my guest, Meredith Styer Jacks. Meredith is a former coaching client and participant in an Emotional Intelligence and Leadership Effectiveness training class I teach. She surprised me with some of her answers for why coaching was so transformational in this engaging interview. You’re going to love it!

 What you will discover:

- Does coaching really work?

- Are there tangible results when you get coached?

- What does coaching with me look like?

And much more… Listen to today’s episode HERE

If you like Today’s Episode, please don’t hesitate to post a 5-Stars review if you’re listening to the Podcast on Apple iTunes or Spotify and leave us a review telling us how our podcast helped you in a specific aspect of your life. It makes me so happy to see listeners' feedback because it motivates me to create content that is impactful for you and other listeners.

Say Yes to You

How many times in a day do you say yes to others and not to yourself? 

At times in our life, we struggle with the fact that we focus too much about others happiness, putting others needs and concerns before ours. 

It is the beginning of losing our sense of worth and authenticity and undervaluing ourselves. It’s exhausting and we can’t live that way forever. 

When we start saying yes to ourselves and putting ourselves first it’s not selfishness, It's actually the opposite. Saying Yes to You is actually a healthy act of self-respect. 

Today am sharing some examples and real life experiences in context to our today’s episode of Liberate Your People Pleaser, and I’m gonna also dig deeper and answer some very important questions:

- How crucial is saying yes to you and why?
- How to change from people pleasing and ignoring yourself to saying yes to you?

And I’m also so excited to share my new group coaching program with you guys today and we will discuss that more in depth as well.

For quick access to the new group coaching program I’m hosting you can get all the deets and register here:

Listen to today’s episode HERE

If you like Today’s Episode, please don’t hesitate to post a 5-Stars review if you’re listening to the Podcast on Apple iTunes or Spotify and leave us a review telling us how our podcast helped you in a specific aspect of your life. It makes me so happy to see listeners' feedback because it motivates me to create content that is impactful for you and other listeners.

How to Ask for What You Need

It can be amazingly difficult to ask for what we need. 

There may be some topics or with certain people, that it’s easy, but for most of us, it feels more complicated. 

If we’re pretty sure the person isn’t going to want to give us what we ask for, we might get triggered into anger, or overly justifying and rationalizing why we are asking. 

In today’s Liberate Your People Pleaser  episode, I’ll break down how to ask for what you need in a way that is compelling and simple. 

There’s no better skill to start the new year with!

You can listen to today’s episode HERE.

Happy New Year and I’d love to hear about the things you want to ask for in 2022. DM me and tell me about them! 

Put Yourself at the Top of Your List

Growing up we were often taught that being selfless is better than being selfish. But there’s a huge difference between being selfish and taking care of yourself. Overwhelm will often kick in when we’re running around taking care of everybody else, and haven’t stopped and considered what we need to do to take care of ourselves.

Because putting the happiness and well being of others before our own wants and needs is a formula for exhaustion, overwhelm and burn-out. We cannot be our best selves living our best lives if we constantly put others before ourselves.

In today’s episode of Liberate Your People Pleaser I’m going to dig deep and answer some  very important questions regarding today’ topic:

Why do you need to put Yourself at the Top of Your List?

How to drop the habits of people-pleasing?

How to stop prioritizing other people over yourself without being selfish?

How to Start Setting Boundaries and Prioritizing Your Needs?

And much more.

Listen to today’s episode HERE. 

Enjoy ending 2021 and beginning fresh, at the top of your list, 2022!