Authentic Power

From Trials to Triumphs! + A Gift for You!

Today, on It's Your Turn, I will share more of my story than most people have heard,  and the insights I’ve gained from overcoming some of life’s toughest challenges.

From facing layoffs, navigating through abusive relationships, to rebuilding my life from financial struggles and homelessness, I’ve learned the importance of addressing our subconscious patterns and the challenges they bring into our lives.

In today’s episode, I want to dive deep into some of the key moments and decisions that have shaped my journey. Here are a few topics we’ll explore:

  • The Early Struggles: How my early marriage difficulties and career challenges set the stage for my personal and professional transformation.

  • Overcoming Emotional Abuse: The journey through emotionally abusive relationships and the lessons learned about self-worth and resilience.

  • Financial Independence: The steps I took to rebuild my career and achieve financial independence, emphasizing the importance of recognizing and changing life patterns.

  • The Value of Support: How seeking support and coaching can uncover underlying issues and spark meaningful change in our lives.

Through sharing my story, I hope to inspire you to take a closer look at your own life patterns and challenges. Remember, it’s not just about overcoming adversity; it’s about transforming your life through self-awareness and intentional action.

If today’s episode resonates with you, I encourage you to share it with a friend who might also need to hear this message. Sometimes, the most powerful transformations begin with a simple act of sharing and support.

Listen to today's episode HERE.

And remember, I’m here to help. In today's episode I am offering a FREE COACHING SESSION for those who are ready to take the first step towards personal transformation. Together, we can unlock the doors to a brighter, more fulfilling future.

To book your free session, click HERE

Thank you for joining me on this journey. Until next time, remember - it’s your turn to make a change.

If this episode resonated with you, I urge you to share it with a friend who needs to hear it. Sometimes, the first step towards empowerment is realizing you’re not alone in your journey. Let’s support each other in reclaiming our power and living life on our own terms

It’s your turn, and it’s time to embrace it.

What is the antidote to oppression?

Those of us who are people pleasers became one as a coping mechanism against oppression. 

That may sound dramatic, but it’s true. 

You experienced oppression at some point in your life. So did I. 

What’s behind all oppression is a denial of the truth for the person being oppressed. Their right to express their truth. When we are oppressed it is a denial of our value as unique human beings. 

Oppression can occur in overt ways and very subtle ways. 

It may be the open manipulation, control, racism, sexism and/or condemnation by a person who believes they are superior.

It might be overt shaming for who you are or what you believe. 

It might be a subtle glance from a parent when you tell them you’re gay/trans/non-binary or some other thing that freaks them out like hearing you don’t want to become the Dr. they always wanted you to be.  

When we experience oppression it’s a common reaction to please our oppressors. To conform, even if not entirely, into something the oppressor will “like.”

What’s the antidote to oppression? 

Authentic Power. 

Authentic Power always begins internally. 

Then, it changes externally in how we show up in the world. 

Authentic power is what every oppressor hates. Which is why there are so my examples of oppressors unjustly punishing, incarcerating and “casting out” when those they wish to oppress won’t be oppressed. Think Rosa Parks, Lillian Lennon (@mslillianlennon,) Nelson Mandela, etc.

That’s why I’m on a mission to liberate people pleasers. Because being liberated means we are standing in our authentic power. 

It means we speak up.

It means we don’t diminish or silence our truth because it’s not convenient or easy. 

It means we prioritize our wants and needs so that we are not easily fooled by a charismatic oppressor. 

That’s what the world needs. The world needs all of us to own our authentic power. It is our birthright. 

Sure, it will piss off the oppressors, but I think it’s time! Are you with me?