
Are You a Natural Born Rebel? An Interview w-Dr. Melissa Bird

As a people pleaser do you relate to being a rebel? I know I didn’t! I was such a “good girl” all the time. Even as a teenager! But… maybe being a good girl is a form of rebellion…

Rebellion is natural for all of us. Yet how we express it can be very different. I was actually rebelling against the dysfunction in my family by being such a good girl and trying to keep everyone out of chaos. 

Where are you rebellious? Today, my very special guess is Dr. Melissa Bird. She’s a a natural born rebel and I learned so much during our conversation. 

My question is: Are you a Natural Born Rebel?

After listening to toIn today’s episode of Liberate Your People Pleaser I’m going to dig deep on this topic with my guest,Dr. Melissa Bird. Dr. Melissa Bird is a clairvoyant coach, author, and fiery public speaker, she has traveled around the world speaking to audiences at universities, conferences, and churches. Her unique life purpose is to use her talents as a healer and a prophet to help others tap into their intuition so that they can harness their magic and make a difference in their lives and communities.

What you will discover:

- Are You a Natural Born Rebel

- What is a rebellious personality?

- How to overcome the fear of being repellent?

And much more… Listen to today’s episode HERE

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You’re Going To Like This!

Have you ever rebelled? 

Sure you have! 

I was such a serious people pleaser it took me until I was in my late 30’s to actually do it, but, when I did… I’m just sayin… I was a rebellion expert for about 10 years! 

Rebellion can be a gift. 

I’m serious! 

I needed to rebel to get out of all the thoughts and away from all the people who were keeping me very limited. 

I’ll tell you more about it in today’s podcast episode, “Rebellion Is A Gift.”

I hope after you listen to the episode you’ll be able to find the ways your rebellion has served you. 

I’d love to hear about it! Let me know in the comments and tell me about it. Better yet, if you rebelled and you can’t see how it served you, share that with me and I’ll help you find the gift. 

I can’t wait to hear what you think about this episode of Liberate Your People Pleaser!