
Do you want to Thrive during the Holidays?

The holidays are busy. It’s easy to get caught up in obligations and get over-extended. 


In today’s episode of Uncover and Elevate I’ve got great tools for you to use to be sure you THRIVE during this holiday season! 

What makes it extra fun is that I’ve also got a special offer to make THRIVING even easier! 

I’ll tell you about it in today’s episode that you can access HERE

Here’s the link to all the goodness in the offer if you can’t wait! 

Please share this episode on social and tag me! Then I’d love for you to post a 5 Start Review wherever you get your podcasts. It makes such a big difference and will help others find the show. I’ll be incredibly grateful!

Have You Had It?

Sometimes you just have to stop. 

Stop so that you can take care of yourself. So you can remember who you truly are. 

I’ve been on an emotional rollercoaster the last few days! How about you?

We all get on the rollercoaster for different reasons. We’re triggered at different times by different things. 

The question is, can we get off the rollercoaster and get back to a feeling of being grounded and calm? 

I had to “phone a friend.” She talked me off the ledge and helped me remember who I really am. 

Because the truth is, we are soooo powerful!

We have so many resources at our disposal. Inside resources. I’m not asking you to get more resourceful so you can get more done! No! 

Your inner-resources are unlimited. You may not think so. You may not feel like it. But, trust me, they are there. 

My BFF helped me remember what mine were. 

I help clients find and remember theirs. 

More than ever, at this time of year, we must remember the infinite possibilities within us and the power we have inside of us. 

I hope this message reminded you of yours. And if you need help, I’m here. DM me and let me know you need a little help remembering how powerful and awesome you are! 

Ever feel not smart enough to mix and mingle at a holiday party?

Holiday Parties!

They can be a blessing or a curse! It's day eight of 12 Days of Enough.

Today we're tackling that awful feeling of not being smart enough to mix and mingle at a holiday party. Maybe it's your spouse's company party. Maybe it's an event at your kid's school. Whatever it is, you may worried you won't have enough clever and interesting things to say. You don't feel smart enough. 

Here's my Lifestyle Advice: I hate to say it, but this is all in your head!

You’re plenty smart. What I mean is that I don’t care what your IQ is. We’ve all met plenty of Brainiacs who made us want to stab our eyes out in 30 seconds! That’s not who you are or who you want to be.

Mixing and mingling at a party isn’t about how smart you are. It’s your passion, authenticity and an interesting story or two. You know a lot. You’ve done a lot.

Make a list of hobbies you have or issues you follow. Places you’ve traveled or want to travel to, interesting people you’ve interacted with through the years, funny things that happened to you, even embarrassing moments that you learned from.

It's your bag of party tricks! If you’re really nervous, have a few stories in mind that you could talk about. What makes a person interesting and fun to mingle with is their willingness to be authentic.

Think about it, how many times have you stayed in a conversation longer than you intended because the person was so into what they were talking about, you couldn’t tear yourself away? Passion and authenticity are very charismatic and appealing. This isn’t Jeopardy, it’s a party. Leave your self-doubt at home.

I have one more recommendation: do the Own Your Brilliance Meditation before you go. That will calm your nerves and get you centered. Wear something that will boost your self-confidence.

You are brilliant. You are unique. No one can offer this party what you can. The most fascinating thing about you….is you! Knock-em’ dead at the party, my friend!

Please feel free give the gift of being enough to your friends by sharing this with them! They can click here to get the series delivered directly to them. 

Feel like you aren't creative enough for all this holiday decorating and hoopla?

Day five of 12 Days of Enough. Do you feel like you aren't creative enough? 

Here's my Live Lavishly Lifestyle Advice: It’s not that you’re not creative enough, it’s that you haven’t found your inspiration.

Broaden your definition of creativity

Creativity is more than painting an original picture or writing an original poem. Creativity is knowing what you like and creating it in your life. You can buy it. That's fine. You use your creativity every time you choose something that gives you joy. 

Remember: the quickest thing to kill creativity is self-criticism

If you think you aren’t creative enough, look for your harsh self-talk. That’s probably the real issue.

I mean, think about it, who would create something if someone was hovering over them criticizing them all the way! Even Picasso wouldn’t be able take it!

Give yourself a loving pat on the head and start your creation, whatever it is.

All along the way, please tell yourself how lovely it is and what a lovely job you are doing creating it. Be the ideal, encouraging teacher we all wanted to have. Or the ideal mother who actually wore the Paper Mache bracelet you made in first grade!

You deserve to feel your creative energy. We all have it. While we’re not all Picasso, thank goodness, we all have creative energy. It gets blocked by self-criticism.

Love your creativity back to life! You are creative enough! 

Please feel free give the gift of being enough to your friends by sharing this with them! They can click here to get the series delivered directly to them. 

How's your money story at the holidays?

Money is a complex topic.

We often feel like there isn't enough. The holidays can really drive up the feelings of lack and scarcity. 

This is my second video on money and I did it because the first one was so popular. You can check that out here.

Let's take care of some of that today. 

I've got a cool coaching tip for you today to slay some of our limiting beliefs around money! 

Grab your tea, coffee, glass of wine...whatever makes you feel festive and let's work on our money story!