
Is Freedom Important?

Freedom is my siren call!


How about you?


And no, this isn’t a political blog. Although political freedom is important.  


I want to talk about a deeply personal freedom that no person or circumstance can take from you.


That is True Freedom!


How do we get it?


The interesting this is that you already have it, whether you feel like you do or not.


You see, Freedom is an inside job.


Could you feel free if you lost your job, your car was repossessed or you were homeless?


Even if we don’t mean to, we often associate freedom with our circumstances.


Do I have the financial stability and abundance to feel free?


Can I go places when I want to? Talk to the people I want to? Marry the person I want to? Decide whether or not to get married or have a family?


What we know is that when we have the freedom that money, time, opportunity and healthy relationships allow for; we feel great! That’s cool. I’m all for it.


Here’s the problem.


Almost all of us have a little “People Pleaser” in us. Some of us have a lot!


When I believe my freedom requires me to have certain circumstances in my life, I will give my power away because I don’t want to risk losing it. My People Pleaser takes over and my authentic, truth will get hijacked. And there’s no freedom in that.


For instance, if I feel like freedom requires me to make a certain amount of money, then I’ll probably do things to please my boss or overly accommodate someone to get their approval, or have poor boundaries in my business, because deep down, I’m afraid of “making waves” or “causing trouble.” After all, what if I got fired or my business started to fail? I’ll lose my financial freedom.


This happens big-time in romantic relationships and families. We start being overly accommodating and doing more than our share of the work, at home or in the relationship, in order to “keep the peace” or create “harmony.” After all, you don’t want to lose the relationship, that doesn’t feel like freedom!  


The mind has a great reason why it’s always your turn to “go the extra mile” or “step-up to the plate” in order to keep you thinking that your freedom is secure.  


But, you my dear, are paying the price.


And the price is freedom.


When you manage your relationships, job, finances and everything else, through your Loving Inner Authority, you won’t give those people or organizations the power to hijack your personal sense of freedom.


When you are empowered, from the inside out, there isn’t a person or circumstance that can rob you of your freedom.


And that’s the best freedom of all because it’s authentic. Sure, you may not go on a shopping spree because your finances have tightened up a bit because you left a job or relationship that was toxic, but the personal freedom of taking a stand for yourself will feel 100 times more liberating than that shopping spree would have.


You see, freedom is really a feeling. We can give ourselves the power to feel it or give that power to others.


I help clients bring all their power back to themselves. That’s true freedom.


The kind of freedom that can never be taken from you.


If you’re curious about working with me, I’ve got three openings in my calendar for one-on-one clients. Let’s hop on a 15-minute call and see if it’s right for you. Schedule your call here. I can’t wait to chat with you.

100 Days of Living Orgasmically

You read that right.

100 Days of Living Orgasmically.

I’m creating a video series where I’ll use orgasm as a metaphor for life!

It’s a perfect metaphor in so many ways.

Shame kills an orgasm.

Self-care makes it easier.

No one outside of ourselves really has the power to give it to us - or take it away from us.

Orgasms can be empowering.

They connect us to our bodies and our soul.

They can connect us to someone else’s body and soul.

It’s the highest experience of pleasure.

Isn’t that what you’d like to say about your life on your death bed?

I do.

Join me. It all starts Thursday, August 1, 2019.

It’s going to be provocative. Fun. Irreverent at times. Inspirational. Thought provoking.

We’re going to transform our lives from the inside out. It’s the only way.

You’ll find the videos each day in two places; my YouTube Channel will have a playlist. You can watch and comment from there. They will also be in my private Facebook Group, Live Lavishly: The Art of Sustainable Transformation. I’ll do some of them live in the group, but everything will be added to the Youtube Playlist. If you aren’t a member of the private FB Group you can join here.

What Are The Questions Smart People Ask 🤔

Don't you love those really great questions that get you thinking in creative ways, rather than the same old same old.

One of the many tools I'm giving people in From Darkness to Light is the power of asking the right questions and what those questions are.

Instead of, "why does everything seem to go wrong?" you'll get empowering questions, because let's face it, there's NEVER a good answer to "why does everything seem to go wrong?"

The power of our questions lead us to the power of our answers.

Ask a bad question. Get a bad answer.

Ask an empowering questions. Get an empowering answer.

That session alone is worth the $99 I'm charging for the entire four-week program, so, join us. Period.

Do it for you.

Get the deets and register right here. Do it today. We start tomorrow.

This is the one question you need to know!

Do you sometimes ask yourself questions that don't exactly help? Questions like, "Why did I do that?" "What's wrong with me?" 

There are so many questions we ask ourselves that are disempowering, make us feel like shit and can send us into a downward spiral. 

Let's stop. 

I've got a lovely, empowering question for you to use as a replacement. 

"Is this loving to me?" 

Simple. Powerful. Gentle. 

It's incredibly helpful. Very practical. It's a question that always has your best interest at heart.

Here's how I've used it: with my to-do list. I look at my list and ask, "Are each of these things loving to me?" If the answer is yes, I do them. If it's no, then I remove them or put it off for another time. I trust that things that genuinely need to be done will get in the "it's loving to me" column in time. 

Here's the other way I use it, when I'm having a bad day. Yep, life coaches have them too, and I'm saying negative, unkind things to myself, like, "you're not doing enough!" "You aren't smart enough to figure out Facebook ads!" I stop and ask myself, "Is that loving to me?" Wow. That stops me dead in my tracks. I stop and let myself feel love for myself. Then I go back to whatever it is I'm doing, with a loving attitude. 

It's such an empowering question. Try it! Tell me how you like it! 

What is your definition of success?

The definition of success is different for everyone. 

Have you taken the time to write down what it means to you? 

Today's video will help you with your definition of success. And not just the accomplishments or things we label as what will make us successful, but the feeling states! 

Curious about the power of feeling states, or even what the hell they are?

Check out today's video. I'll share my definition of success and what my feeling states are to help guide the way. 

Then tell me your definition and feeling states of success, in the comments below. 

Live Lavishly!