
Have you ever experienced failure?

I have! Epic failures! 

I was recently the guest on Matt Brown’s podcast, The Secrets of #Fail and talked about my failures as I started my life coach practice. It was a great conversation and I hope you listen to it HERE.

Whether you’re an entrepreneur, parent, spouse, lover… ok, let’s say, if you’re a human being… you’ve experienced failures. 

Failure isn’t the problem. It’s how we deal with it! 

Failure is an invitation to look inward and discover the limiting belief, erroneous belief, or programming from your family and culture that is fueling that failure. And what you find may surprise you! 

I was having business and financial failures a few years ago and thought it was a failure in strategy, marketing or something else business or money related. 

But, it wasn’t. My business and financial failures were actually a result of a deeply held belief that I wasn’t worthy of the business, money and life that I desired! Wow! It surprised me, because consciously, I felt worthy. 

The unworthiness was deep in my subconscious. I needed coaching to help me find it and heal it. 

That’s what I do every day! I coach people so they can find the subconscious patterns, habits and beliefs that are wreaking havoc in their lives. 

We all have them. There’s no shame or judgment in them! 

I’m here to assure you, we can find it and heal it. 

I’d love to hop on a 15-Min Connection Call and see the time is right to work with me one-on-one. I’ve got a couple openings so now’s the time! Book your free call RIGHT HERE.

What is your definition of success?

The definition of success is different for everyone. 

Have you taken the time to write down what it means to you? 

Today's video will help you with your definition of success. And not just the accomplishments or things we label as what will make us successful, but the feeling states! 

Curious about the power of feeling states, or even what the hell they are?

Check out today's video. I'll share my definition of success and what my feeling states are to help guide the way. 

Then tell me your definition and feeling states of success, in the comments below. 

Live Lavishly!