
Unshakable. Indestructible. Empowered.

How do we stand in our truth and power when we’re scared? 

How do we experience empowerment when life feels overwhelming? 

How do we create an unshakable, indestructible empowerment? 

It’s one thing to show up confidently, to feel empowered, when you’ve just gotten a promotion, or your business venture is going better than expected. 

How do we do it when we get fired or our business “fails?” 

If we can’t find our empowerment when our circumstances suck, is it really empowerment? 

I love the expression, empowered inside-out. 

That’s what I am cultivating and what I’m helping clients cultivate. 

We feel empowered, we take action that is empowered and we trust in the outcome because of what we are doing on the inside, not because of something one the outside. 

It takes a certain dismantling of imprinted beliefs about who we are and what we are capable of. 

I’ll give you three quick but powerful ways to begin. Don’t dismiss them because they seem too “small.” Small things can be very powerful. 

  1. Name what scares you. If you’re invested in what other people think about you,  you are overly focused on financial and professional security, or you stay in relationships long after they’ve stopped serving you, then those things have your power. Naming them is the beginning of releasing their power. 

  2. Ask yourself, “if I wasn’t concerned about what others thought or wasn’t worried about money, being alone (whatever fear you’ve named) what would I do differently? 

  3. Notice how you feel and what comes up. Very often a client will pause and exclaim, “Oh! I would…..” and say what they would do. When you feel that, there is a certain feeling quality about it. It’s clear. It feels like truth. That is the feeling of being empowered inside-out. That’s what you want to cultivate! 

I’d love to hear about your own example of using these three steps and tell me, did you feel it? Did you feel empowered? If not, there’s no shame in that. You’ve been deeply conditioned to give other people and situations your power. We all have. Share it with me and I’ll do my best to help you break through the block. <3

Where does your life need a little death and rebirth?

This may not be the way you typically look at things.

It’s not the way we normally invite something into our life, by asking for a death. It seems counter-intuitive.

And yet, new life isn’t possible without the death of something. Think of it as what needs to go. What do you need to give away? What do you need to stop? What do you need to say no to? 

Let it go!

By letting go, by saying no, by ending an activity or pattern in your life that isn’t serving you any more, you open up the space for, yes, new life. New growth.

What do you want to create? What do you want to start? What do you want to say yes to?

There are things right now that want to be born in your life. New projects, creations, ideas, relationships, jobs, businesses and adventures are underground right now.

Think of it as a garden.

There are things waiting for you to tear out last year’s garden, till the soil and give them the conditions they need to grow and flourish.

If you had a garden, you wouldn’t try to plant new seeds without clearing out last year’s crop. You wouldn’t look at the straggly, dried up leftovers from last year’s garden and pretend it’s new and full of new life.

Where are you pretending in your life?

Where do you have a garden that is dried up and dead, and you're pretending it’s growing? Maybe you don’t delude yourself that it’s flourishing, but you rationalize that it’s okay. Plus, tearing it out and clearing the ground is a lot of work. Maybe it seems easier to make yourself believe it’s okay to have a dead garden.

We all do it.

Let’s stop.