
You’re Invited!

One of my dreams is coming true and I want to invite you to join me in the experience! 

My dream is to have a TV Show to talk about how to live an unapologetic, authentic life and to demystify what it’s like to work with a coach. I want to normalize working with a coach as part of a well rounded self-care plan! 

I haven’t made it to TV yet… Oprah, I’m ready when you are… I have launched a weekly show on Instagram and YOU’RE INVITED to join me TODAY!! 

Every Tuesday at 12pm Pacific/3pm Eastern you can join me on IG, @brendafloridacoach for… Delight & Desire! 

Delight & Desire are beautiful entry points to finding and expressing our authentic selves. 

I hope to see you today and if you can’t make it with me live, watch the replay! It will be in my profile with my other posts and videos. 

Your desires and the things that delight you are the truth of who you are and there’s liberation and freedom in aligning with our truth!

You’re Invited!

One of my dreams is coming true and I want to invite you to join me in the experience! 

My dream is to have a TV Show to talk about how to live an unapologetic, authentic life and to demystify what it’s like to work with a coach. I want to normalize working with a coach as part of a well rounded self-care plan! 

I haven’t made it to TV yet… Oprah, I’m ready when you are… I have launched a weekly show on Instagram and YOU’RE INVITED to join me TODAY!! 

Every Tuesday at 12pm Pacific/3pm Eastern you can join me on IG, @brendafloridacoach for… Delight & Desire! 

Delight & Desire are beautiful entry points to finding and expressing our authentic selves. 

I hope to see you today and if you can’t make it with me live, watch the replay! It will be in my profile with my other posts and videos. 

Your desires and the things that delight you are the truth of who you are and there’s liberation and freedom in aligning with our truth!

You Are A Unique Genius!

Have you ever felt it? 

When you were... so… YOU… 

You have a moment or have an experience where you feel totally authentic and in the flow. 

It’s liberating. 

It’s exhilarating. 

That’s your unique genius!

I want you to be able to create that experience more often. I’ve got a few tricks up my sleeve to help you. 

I’m excited to open the virtual doors to a new workshop I’m offering, Own Your Brilliance!

This is the first offer I’ve had in over a year. I had to cultivate my own unique genius. You see, I don’t coach others to do things I don’t do. So after a lot of deep inner work of my own, I am delighted to offer this two-evening, virtual workshop. 

I’m going to teach my ‘Freedom Unleashed’ process. It’s a four-step process that I created for myself, I’ve used it with clients and now I’m offering it to you. It’s powerful. It works. And isn’t that what matters? 

I hope you check out all the details and join me September 2 and 9, for this opportunity to gather with like-minded people and purposely cultivate your unique genius… to learn how to Own Your Brilliance! 

Get all the deets HERE and sign up. I made it super affordable, so grab your own spot and invite a friend. Registration is limited so do it today. If you’re unsure or have a question, please reach out to me personally and ask,

Unshakable. Indestructible. Empowered.

How do we stand in our truth and power when we’re scared? 

How do we experience empowerment when life feels overwhelming? 

How do we create an unshakable, indestructible empowerment? 

It’s one thing to show up confidently, to feel empowered, when you’ve just gotten a promotion, or your business venture is going better than expected. 

How do we do it when we get fired or our business “fails?” 

If we can’t find our empowerment when our circumstances suck, is it really empowerment? 

I love the expression, empowered inside-out. 

That’s what I am cultivating and what I’m helping clients cultivate. 

We feel empowered, we take action that is empowered and we trust in the outcome because of what we are doing on the inside, not because of something one the outside. 

It takes a certain dismantling of imprinted beliefs about who we are and what we are capable of. 

I’ll give you three quick but powerful ways to begin. Don’t dismiss them because they seem too “small.” Small things can be very powerful. 

  1. Name what scares you. If you’re invested in what other people think about you,  you are overly focused on financial and professional security, or you stay in relationships long after they’ve stopped serving you, then those things have your power. Naming them is the beginning of releasing their power. 

  2. Ask yourself, “if I wasn’t concerned about what others thought or wasn’t worried about money, being alone (whatever fear you’ve named) what would I do differently? 

  3. Notice how you feel and what comes up. Very often a client will pause and exclaim, “Oh! I would…..” and say what they would do. When you feel that, there is a certain feeling quality about it. It’s clear. It feels like truth. That is the feeling of being empowered inside-out. That’s what you want to cultivate! 

I’d love to hear about your own example of using these three steps and tell me, did you feel it? Did you feel empowered? If not, there’s no shame in that. You’ve been deeply conditioned to give other people and situations your power. We all have. Share it with me and I’ll do my best to help you break through the block. <3

Is This a Time For Decadence?

I think it is! 

The decadence of knowing who we are. 

The decadence of knowing how we can best serve the world. 

The decadence of unapologetic self expression. 

Does it seem like a pipe-dream to you? 

What is your relationship with decadence like? Troubled? Thriving? You’re strangers who have never met? You met and were too scared to see what it had to offer? 

It’s a topic we’ve been exploring in my private FB Group, Liberate Your People Pleaser this week. I’ve done several FB Lives. Check them out and join, if you aren’t a member, HERE.

Tell me about it in the comments below or email me at

It’s a topic I’ll be teaching on in my new virtual workshop, Own Your Brilliance. (More to come on that in the coming weeks.)

I can’t wait to hear about you and decadence!

Exclusive Advice from a Painting

Who knew posing for this pinup painting would teach me so much?! 

When you lay around in your underwear for a painter, even a female one, it's transformative. 

What were the two things I learned posing for this painting? 

1. Being vulnerable can be scary, but when you open yourself up and allow yourself to show someone who you truly are, including all your imperfections, it liberates you!

There is so much freedom in vulnerability. 

In this painting my hands are over my belly because I have a scar that runs across half of my stomach. I didn't really want it in the painting. I talked to the artist, Laura Scott Steiger, and she suggested this pose. Problem solved. No shame. And I didn't have to show everyone my scar. 

Being vulnerable doesn't mean we have to 'show and tell' everything to everyone. It means we have select people we trust, who have shown they are safe and won't judge or criticize us, then we decide how much we feel like sharing with others and the world at large.  

2. Sexuality and sensuality can be a gateway to a spiritual awakening. Our lives are not compartmentalized. Our work isn't separate from our relationships or our bodies and how we care for them, our sexuality or our spirituality. 

We tend to think of those things as being separate, we might have a problem with one and not with another. That can be true. 

Here's what's also true, when we evolve ourselves and grow in one area of life, it improves all the others. 

Our sexuality and sensuality often get left off the list of "important" things in our lives that deserve our care and attention. My experience is that they are incredibly powerful in creating transformation in our lives. 

Posing for this painting gave me so much confidence and feeling of personal power as a woman. I've carry that into everything I do. 

That's why I'm so excited that Rupa Kapoor of Women Redefined, is going to be my co-host on Cocktails and Coaching tomorrow night. We will gather in my private Facebook Group at 5 pm Pacific/8 pm Eastern. 

Rupa has a gift for helping women feel safe and free to express their vulnerability and the truth of who they are. "I love helping women show up and be seen through a fun and unique photography experience! I allow women to truly own who they are without the labels and be seen, feel empowered and beautiful in ways they never imagined." 

I can't wait for you to spend time with Rupa and hear more about her story on Wednesday. 

As always, we welcome your questions for us to answer during Cocktails and Coaching. You can submit your question here. 

Grab a cocktail or other beverage of choice and join me and Rupa for a juicy and lively conversation tomorrow! 

Obsessed with Rocketman!

Have you seen it?

It’s a biopic of Elton John’s music and life.

It’s a beautiful portrayal of his struggle to become his authentic self.

Unapologetically authentic. Two of my favorite words.

It took a lot of drugs at first.

Then in his quest for sobriety, he heals his heart and soul from the wounds of his childhood.

Sound familiar?
It’s what we all do.

We all get wounded, no matter how awesome our parents are, or tried to be. It’s not about assigning blame.

It’s about liberating your soul!

My favorite line in the movie comes from another musician who says, “you have to kill who you were born to be, to become who you were meant to be.”

We are all subject to cultural and parental conditioning. For some of us, add to that religious conditioning.

Conditioning is what tells us who we are supposed to be and NOT supposed to be.

Conditioning is NOT who we were meant to be.

It can be a long journey to liberate yourself from all that conditioning into the (sober) freedom we see Elton John living at the end of the movie. It’s not an easy road. We need help.

That’s why I love being a life coach. In one way or another, that’s what I do. I help client’s liberate themselves to their unapologetic, authentic self. It’s a wild and beautiful trip! There are twists and turns, ups and downs, but the liberation! The freedom! It’s worth every moment of the journey.

If you want to explore your unapologetic self, breaking free from who you were conditioned to be and becoming who you were meant to be… I’ve got a special deal. Two, one-on-one coaching session for only $200! That’s over 50% off my normal rate, so it’s time to act.

If you’ve worked with me before, just email me, and let me know you want the two sessions. I’ll invoice you by Friday, June 7, and you can book your sessions.

If you haven’t worked with me, just book a 15-min Discovery Call before Friday, June 7th so we can be sure we’ll be good working together. Book that call here. Then I’ll invoice you and you can book your appointments.

You deserve to be who you were meant to be!

Be the Rocketman of your life!



Own your brilliance

What does it mean to own your brilliance?

This is one of my favorite topics in the world right now.

For years, I’ve been telling my closest friends, “I need to own my brilliance.” What did I mean by that?

It’s about knowing who you are. What your unique gifts are. Your unique expression in the world.

It begins with knowing that it’s you. You’re the one.

Then you expand it. You do the thing you were meant to do. Say the things you were meant to say. Dream the dreams you were meant to dream. And you own it!

I didn’t truly “get this” until I went to Paris this summer. If you want to read about that liberating and transformative experience, I wrote all about it with Confessions of a traveler,  A Living Obituary and Your own Paris Transformation.

Today, we’ll talk about how you can own your brilliance. Check it out and do it! Own it! The world needs you.

And don’t forget to download your FREE copy of the Own Your Brilliance guided meditation. It’s a great tool to support you on your path to owning your brilliance.