I’ve got some resistance! Do you?

I don’t know about you, but I’ve noticed some things I’m having some resistance to. 

Who cares, you might ask?

I’ve learned that resistance is a fantastic indicator of where I am out of alignment with what’s best for me. 

Here’s some popular items of resistance, see if you can relate to at least one of them: 

  • Having a conversation with a family member, your lover or someone at work. You know you should, but then you rationalize all the reasons “it won’t do any good anyway.” And, you keep resisting the conversation.

  • Pleasure. Whether it’s because you’re busy and like me, you move pretty fast, so slowing down for pleasure isn’t easy for you, or you’re not used to even considering what taking time for pleasure would look like for you, you’re waiting for a  more convenient time… you keep resisting pleasure.

  • A project that tugs at you. It could be clearing out a closet, starting a garden or leaving your soul-sucking job and starting a business you’re passionate about. Every time this project tugs at you, you push it away, put it on the back burner, in short… you resist it. 

  • Looking at your credit card balances or finances. It feels overwhelming. It stresses you out. You tell yourself you aren’t good with money and you resist your money situation. 

There are many things in life we can be in resistance to. 

Here’s the silver lining. 

Resistance is a gift. 

Resistance shows us what we need to move towards or move away from. 

That’s right. Resistance doesn’t always mean we’re avoiding something we NEED to do, like pleasure. That’s how we usually think of resistance. It’s keeping us from something good for us. 

Pleasure is good for you. It’s good for your mental and physical health. In the case of pleasure, resistance is likely an unconscious punishment or a way you are withholding from yourself. 

When is resistance telling us to move away from something? Let’s take the project. Maybe it’s a project of obligation (throwing your parents a 50th anniversary party.) The truth is, you don’t want to do it. Bam! Resistance shows up in an attempt to get you to align with your truth. You don’t want to throw a party. 

Even resistance to something like finances could be a sign that you need to engage someone to help you with your finances. This can be a tricky one because there’s so much money shame in our culture!! Whether you have too much, not enough, spend too much or are miserly, judgement is flying every which way around money. You could be resisting out of a shamed view of your skills with money or resisting because it’s just not your thing and you need your spouse to handle the finances or hire someone to help you with it. 

The moral of the story… your resistance is your friend. 

Get him/her/they a cup of coffee/tea/Kombucha and find out what the gift is that resistance has for you. 

If you need a little help, I’m here! It can be hard to figure out if resistance is taking towards or away from something. A couple of sessions will give you the clarity you need to drop the resistance and move toward or away from something with confidence! 

Book a call and let’s see if now is the time for you to get the clarity and confidence you crave!