I love the word, sovereign.
What does it mean? “Supreme power and authority to rule.”
Be the sovereign in your own life.
There’s no one but you who should be the authority in your life. Only You.
You need to have supreme power in your life.
It doesn’t make you selfish or self-centered.
It doesn’t justify meanness or judgment towards others.
It’s a statement about who you are in relationship to yourself.
You’re a grown-ass adult.
Supreme power and authority over your life belongs to you and only you.
No one else has a “right” to it.
As people pleasers we were never taught that.
There was another person, or people, who wanted that level of power and authority in our lives. They conditioned us out of being the sovereign in our lives, so they could be the authority and have the power.
It’s time to take our power back.
You have an absolute right to be the supreme power and authority in your life.
I’m curious? How does that feel?
Don’t be surprised if you feel awkward about it, or it feels selfish, or arrogant. Remember, you’ve been conditioned to think that way. But, tell me, if not you, who? Who should have power over your life?
You are a unique human being. There’s no one like you. No one knows you as well as you do. You are the authority on you. You deserve the power of sovereignty in your own life.