
Now What?

Last Thursday I asked if you knew what you wanted.

Hopefully, you shared what you want in the comments on Thursday. If not, feel free to share it here.

Now, let’s go from dreaming to scheming!


If you have a dream that you’ve been telling yourself isn’t possible or that you don’t have enough time, enough money or any number of other stories your mind might have come up with, then you don’t spend time scheming about how it might be possible.

The enemy of possibility is dismissal.

As soon as we dismiss a dream, desire or yearning, we’ve killed it.

Like stomping on a bug, dismissal takes what’s possible and smashes it.

I’m going to ask you to be brave enough to believe in possibilities. We can’t scheme without some tiny corner of our mind thinking it’s possible.

Ready. Set. Go!

Think of your dream as a new playmate. It’s time to get to know each other. To play. To be curious. To open yourself up.

Instead of a bug that needs squashing, this is your new best friend.

What can you do for her? What would you like to do to please her? To get to know her? How can you spend time with her?

This strategy works with dreams of all sizes. Maybe you’re overwhelmed with work or kids or aging parents or any number of things and your dream is to spend a few hours alone. It may feel impossible. It may feel selfish. It isn’t.

It’s your dream because it is important. If Coco Chanel hadn’t gotten so tired of wearing uncomfortable clothes, she wouldn’t have designed pants for women. Thank goodness she was “selfish” enough to do that!

Love yourself enough to scheme about your dreams.

Let’s go back to the dream of a few hours alone. As impossible as your thoughts may tell you it is, start scheming. Get a girlfriend to help. As they say, “where there’s a will, there’s a way.” Get a babysitter. Barter with a friend to swap kids, ask for help from a friend or family member.

Love yourself enough to take what you want seriously.

For the bigger dreams like starting a business, taking a trip to a far-off land, going back to school for a degree, writing a book or becoming an actor, its’ the same process. Get to know your dream. What does she need? What would please her? What does she like to do for fun?

Break it down. Don’t worry about doing anything yet. This is all about scheming. Brainstorm with yourself and trusted friends how you might be able to take steps toward your dream.

Love yourself enough.

We need your dreams to come true, from taking a few hours for self-care to writing that book or taking that trip. We need your dreams the way we needed Coco to get sick of her corset and design beautiful pants for women!

Dream Killers!

I have had some serious dream killers in my life!

Maybe you can relate.

When I was young, I had dreams of a successful business, a great marriage, large loving family, a big house and a lot of traveling. By the time I was in my mid 40’s the only ones of those dreams I really had was the large loving family. I had traveled some, but not nearly as much as I wanted.

What did I do?

I started to give up.

I killed most of my dreams. Why?

I decided I wanted too much. I was getting older and I should be happy with the life I had! After all, I had a large loving family, a good job, I was reasonably happy being single, and an apartment I liked.


By deciding some of my dreams weren’t important and that I had missed my window, I was in my 40’s after all, I killed them. The good news is, they didn’t stay dead for long. I decided to take action and that’s what I want to help you do.

If you’ve ever killed a dream, I invite you to take my free Dream Killers Challenge. Take the quiz as a quick inventory of what your dream killers might look like. Then use the Dream Killers CPR Dreamsheet to breathe some life back into those dreams! Maybe you’ll be like me, and so many of my clients, who realize their dreams, as Billie Crystal said in The Princess Bride, are only “…mostly dead. And there’s a big difference between mostly dead and all dead.”

Join me in the Dream Killers Challenge!

Use this link to get your Dream Killers Quiz and Dreamsheet delivered to your inbox! 

Live Lavishly Light Episode #7

We've been exploring Infinite Possibilities a lot lately. 

In order to expand and open up to things we haven't considered doing before, we need to change. 

Today we'll explore what we need to change in order to become the person we want to be and open up to infinite possibilities. 

Plus...I have two question for you

1. If you could work with me in anyway (one-on-one, online programs, retreats, etc.), what would you like? 

2. If you had a free session with me, what would you want to talk about? What would you like to change? 

Share your answers in the comments below or email me and let's live lavishly!