I did a total 180 on this…

I was raised to judge and condemn everyone who was not a cis gender herterosexual. 

How did I get to be queer friendly? 

I consider myself an ally to everyone identifying as LGBTQA+, non-binary, pansexual, and an anti-racist. (Although my calling myself an ally doesn’t make me one! It is by our actions that we demonstrate how much of an ally we are!)

All those fundamentalist Christian beliefs began to crumble as I contemplated what I was taught, that “God” is love… (FYI, I don’t use the word God very often because I still associate it with the oppression of that culture, so use your own word if you want, the Divine, Source, The Quantum Field, whatever works for you.)

… it didn’t make any sense to me that love would create anything that wasn’t also love. 

Everyone had to be sourced from love.  

There is no condemnation and nothing is wrong with who we are.  

It is our birthright to be our authentic self. 

Twisting ourselves into being someone we are not, is painful because we’re not supposed to do it. Like putting a hand on a hot stove is painful.  

Love created us. Love didn’t make any mistakes. 

You and I are love. 

I know there are issues, political and cultural, that make things complicated and challenging. I’m not attempting to address them in this blog. 

I am wanting to say loud and clear, YOU ARE LOVE. I AM LOVE. We are created as love. 

You are beautiful just the way you are. 

Who Are You Trying To Be?

All of us people pleasers know what it’s like to try to be someone you aren’t.


We want love.


We want approval.


We try desperately to be who our family, spouse, boss, church, or culture wants us to be.


But it’s so hard!


Because that’s not the truth of who we are.


In today’s episode of Liberate Your People Pleaser I’m unpacking this issue.  


Many of my brothers and sisters in the black, indigenous, people of color and LGBTQ+ communities are deeply impacted by this dilemma, where the cost of being authentic can be especially high.


And yet, we are never truly happy unless we are expressing our authentic nature.


This episode begins a theme that I will revisit in future podcasts. The temptation to abandon our authentic self in order to fit in or get the love, approval and acceptance we all crave, is something that must end. For everyone.


This is an open invitation for you to be a guest on the podcast. If you are black, indigenous, a person of color and/or LGBTQ+ I would love to hear your story on this journey from trying to be someone you aren’t, to discovering your authentic expression and then being able to share that out in the world.


You will inspire and encourage others; this I know for sure.


Please email me at and tell me you are ready to explore sharing your story! Someone is out there waiting to hear it.

Listen to today’s episode HERE.