Reclaiming You!

It’s time. 

It feels like when a caterpillar comes out of its cocoon. 

As… a butterfly! 

A totally new being. 

That’s how this summer feels to me. 

Or… let me be more accurate, it feels like it has the POSSIBILITY of being something totally new.

It’s always a choice. 

Do we emerge from a year-and-a-half of uninvited, dramatic change that affected every aspect of our lives… the same as we were? 

Or do we accept the invitation to become something new? 

I’m choosing to become a new version of myself. 

I don’t want to “get back to normal.” 

I want to reclaim me. The newest version of myself that is more compassionate, trusting, abundant and tuned into my inner truth. The truth that transcends the outer world of phenomena and circumstance. 

I want to cultivate more inner trust. A deeper inner connection. Increased confidence to speak up for myself even when it’s hard. An increased ability to speak up for others even if it’s not popular. 

And my desires? My mission in life? Those dreams and visions just get bigger and bigger. I feel like I’m on the precipice of a huge expansion. And I’m ready! 

How about you? What do you want to claim for yourself? Do you feel a new desire or mission percolating? I’d love to hear about it! Please tell me. DM me if it feels private, or email me,

And, if you’re reading this and thinking… WTF is she talking about?! I feel flat and depleted after the last year-and-a-half! Then tell me that too! 

You are in the right place, at the right time, being exactly who you are. Loving yourself into what’s next for you, is the only way. It’s what I help clients do every day. Allowing, love and growing out of self-compassion, not out of a forced need to “fix” something. 

I can’t wait to hear where you’re at and what’s up for you!