
Take The Trip! An Interview with C. Rene Washington

C.René Washington is a master-certified life coach, podcast host, author, and midlife maven. She’s known for her straight-shooting style in successfully coaching women to break through whatever’s blocking them from their goals and dreams. Her book, Take The Trip! 4 Journeys Every Midlife Woman Needs To Live In Purpose and Freedom is a great book that every woman who is seeking Freedom and finding their purposes needs to read.

In today’s episode of Liberate Your People Pleaser I’m going to dig deep and discuss today's guest C.René Washington’s  book. To find out what makes this book unique and a must-read for every woman.

Listen to today’s episode HERE

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What would you do?

It’s hard to imagine how a person recovers from the death of their child, but in today’s interview with Tracey Smith, I am 100% sure, you are going to be inspired by what she did when her son was killed by a drunk driver. 

I don’t want to have any spoiler alerts here, so go listen to this powerful episode of Liberate Your People Pleaser…. NOW!

It’s true that unspeakably difficult things can happen to any of us. 

Do we live in fear? 

No, we take Tracey’s lead and find our way into a life of power and purpose. 

I can’t wait to hear your comments about this episode. 

Share in the comments how Tracey’s story inspired you!

This is what chasing a dream looks like...

Once upon a time… a woman lost her job. She didn’t do anything wrong, in fact her company appreciated her gifts and talents enough to create a new position for her, but it wasn’t what she yearned for.

What she yearned for was to be an entrepreneur, who could work from anywhere, who would live near the ocean and have the financial freedom to travel. She also yearned for romance and a partner who would be her cheerleader, friend and lover.

She dared to take the leap. 

She left the convenient, six-figure job, made her side-hustle her full-time-entrepreneur-hustle, sold most of what she owned, packed up her convertible Mustang and headed West.

Today, she’s working on a balcony overlooking the ocean.

She’s making big plans with her business and attracting new clients.

She’s making new friends.

She’s living the life she yearned for.

Does she have it all? No.

She hasn’t attracted her romantic partner.

The home is a friend’s, not hers.

She hasn’t done much traveling yet.

She’s scared sometimes.  

She doubts herself and the risk she took from time-to-time.

Some sometimes she thinks she’s crazy, as a woman-of-a-certain-age, to risk it all for a business she believes in, the people she serves, the lifestyle she yearns for, romance and financial freedom on top of that!!

She is entirely toooooo much!

And I love her! She’s bold and brave. Flawed and perfect all at the same time.

She’s learning how to heal herself by loving herself, rather than thinking there is something wrong with her that needs fixing. Love. It’s simple and powerful.

And, of course, she is me. You probably guessed that about two sentences into my story.

Now, I want to ask you, is there something you are yearning for?

It may not be a whole-life-make-over like I’ve done. 

Whatever it is. I promise you, it’s waiting for you to come get it.

It’s yearning for you as much as you yearn for it.

I’ve got three spots open right now for new clients if you want a little coaching to help you get there faster and have a guide for your journey.

It’s what I do. It’s who I am.

Click here to book your 15-minute Discovery Call and we’ll talk about what you are yearning for.

Everything Begins With a Thought

Every invention, piece of art, new technology or way of life, begins with a thought.

"I'd like to travel more."

"I want to paint."

"I want to start a business."

"I want to make more money."

Then come the thoughts of diminishment. "You can't do that!" "Who do you think you are." "You're not good enough."

In today’s video I'll show you how to breakthrough that thought and live the life of your dreams. 

Get all the details on Think Your Way to Success right here.

The Men in Your Life

I hope you’re celebrating the wonderful men in your life today.

I’m headed to Cancun to spend a week with a man.

A man, his team and about 675 other people!

As you read this I’m on my way to Cancun for a retreat with Dr. Joe Dispenza. I love his work and I’m thrilled to have the opportunity to attend a week-long retreat with him. Dr. Joe is a neuroscientist, among other things, and has done brilliant work in the arena of brain science. If you are as interested in these things as this mind-set coach is, I’d start with his book, Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself. It rocked my world!

I’m taking this time to take a break from life. From my normal routine.

To focus all my energy and attention on my own growth and creating my future. Dr. Joe’s work includes a lot of guided meditation, so I know we’ll be doing a lot of that. I understand we meet for meditation, at least occasionally at 4:00 am! My obsession with becoming the best version of myself I can possibly be, is the only thing that will get me up for 4 am meditation!

So, I’m going off the grid. No cell phone. No social media. No photos on FB of the white sandy beaches of Cancun. At least, not until I’m back home! Then you’ll get bombarded.

I encourage you to find small ways to “retreat” in your life. It makes all the difference. Take five minutes. Take an hour. A day. A week, when you can! Focus on your breath. Settle into your body. Focus on the moment. Not the ones from earlier today, or the moments that will come later. Be in the now. That’s where all magic is found.

Now. We don’t often spend a lot of time there. I’m going to take a week with an intention of being in the moment. Of creating the next chapter of my life, from the infinite possibilities of now.

I am “off, off and away” and know that I will return refreshed, inspired, transformed and ready to share it all with you!! Until next week….Bon Voyage!

xoxo Brenda



1. I’d love for you to join me in my private FB Group, Live Lavishly: Turn up your power, from the boardroom to the bedroom. It’s a great place to hang out with like-minded women. Sorry guys, this is a “women’s club.” We’re open and honest. We share our victories and support each other when we’re freaking out! Get the support you need. Click here to join the group.

2. Curious about working with me one-on-one? I love working 1:1 with people because we can dig deep and it’s all about you. I’ve got room right now for five new clients. Here’s how easy it is: click here and schedule a 10 minute call. During that call, we’ll see if I’m the right coach for you. I can’t wait to talk to you!

The Living Obituary

Brenda Florida, loving mother, grandmother, daughter, sister and friend. Many viewed her as passionate, ambitious and determined.

They were right.

She loved life and the people in her life.

And, she was often ashamed of the money she spent, her body and her failed relationships with men. At times her shame was so deep she felt like she took up too much space, was unworthy, flawed and defective.

She was ashamed to feel proud of herself. As a child she was told, “pride cometh before a fall.” Confusing feeling proud with being arrogant, as many do, she wasn’t able to own her brilliance. The brilliance of living as the unique expression of the Divine that she was in the world. She limited herself in what she believed she was capable of. The lives she could touch. The change she could be in the world.

She died in Paris.

Thankfully, she was also reborn in Paris.

She heard the message, “It’s you. You’re the one.”

She cried. Something that in her previous life rarely happened.

She saw the beauty of Paris.

She experienced the beauty of the women who had joined her on a retreat.

Most importantly, she saw the beauty of her-Self. Her unique expression of the Divine. Who she truly is.

She owned her brilliance.

She does not know all the answers or what will happen next in this new life.

She does know that she will run towards the light of her own brilliance. Listen to what it says, go where it leads.

She knows that others will not always understand. That’s okay.

She knows she will fail, and will do so spectacularly! Knowing that what the world interprets as failure is the space where growth and beauty are born, where her brilliance will learn to shine brighter.

Her passion, love and determination are magnified because she owns her brilliance. She seeks her own answers from the Source of that brilliance. She doesn’t expect others to understand or approve. She follows the light.

Paris, the city of lights, beauty, fashion, architecture, history, art and it’s own brilliance was her birthplace. She knows who she is. Her worth. That she is the one.

She owns her brilliance.

She wants you to know, you have your own unique brilliance. That by owning your brilliance, you will be changed. And when we are changed, when we each own our brilliance, the world will be changed.