
What is Your Relationship with Ambition?

Ambition is described as the strong willingness to achieve popularity, power, money, or something you want to do or accomplish very much. We all need ambition to succeed, whether personally or professionally. Ambition can be fantastic! Upon hitting a goal, we all know that wonderful feeling of success, particularly if the time was difficult or long.

However, many people perceive ambition as something negative. Ambition is often seen as having a large ego that makes people selfish and power hungry. Today I’m asking the question, What is Your Relationship with Ambition?

In today’s episode of Liberate Your People Pleaser I’m going to dig deep & discuss this topic with my guest, Eleanor Beaton. Eleanor Beaton is the founder of SafiMedia, an education & coaching company for women entrepreneurs. At Safi-Media, we are committed to advancing global gender equity through women’s entrepreneurship. We’re on a mission to double the number of women entrepreneurs who scale past $1M in revenue by 2030.

 What you will discover:

- What is Your Relationship with Ambition?

- What is the relationship between People- Pleasing & Ambition?

- What is the difference between Healthy-Ambition & Non-Healthy Ambition?

And much more… Listen to today’s episode HERE

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How Does People Pleasing Impact Success?

Often our gifts and talents as a people pleaser help us succeed at work, or in our business…. Until our people pleasing gets in our way. 

When we keep our gifts and talents expressed from the perspective of what’s in my highest good right now? What interests me? What do I want? Then you are using your people pleasing habits as a super-power instead of something that diminishes, exhausts and overwhelms you. 

In today’s episode of Liberate Your People Pleaser I share a very personal story of my professional career where I ended up taking a “mis-step” because I wasn’t tuning into what was in my highest good. 

You’ll get the tools I used to get myself back into alignment with my highest good. 

I’d love to hear how the tools are working for you or if you have a question as you continue to liberate your people pleaser! 

Listen to today’s episode HERE

Do You Feel Successful?

I was in a Clubhouse room the other day participating in a discussion about success; how we define it and how it changes as we age and the world changes. 

If you haven’t heard, Clubhouse is a new social media space, currently, for iPhone only users. It’s an interesting format that I’m enjoying. If you’re on Clubhouse, I’d love for you to follow me and invite me to any rooms you’re in. I plan to start hosting my own rooms soon. 

Anyway, back to success, it was an intriguing discussion and made me realize how much people pleasing had influenced, or completely defined what I thought success was for much of my life. 

It’s so easy to define success by our family standards, society's standards, or our spouse’s standards. Even our friends can influence it. 

So my question to you is, if you were dropped in the middle of a new land, where no one knew you and no one had any preconceived ideas about what you’re good at, or what you like to do. And, you could be the version of yourself that feels the most authentic to you today. Not how you were 10 years ago, five or even one year ago. Clean slate. No expectations. 

And, just for fun, lets add the juicy detail that the place you’ve landed in, is your absolute favorite! Everything you see, hear and smell is exactly the way you love it! All your favorite things to do, see and experience are available to you. It’s your personal Disneyland… or version of heaven on earth. 

Now. What would you do to earn money? It’s a natural desire to want to contribute to the greater good. So, whether it seems like a “serious profession” or not, what would you like to do in exchange for money? 

How would you define success? Not just in regard to what you do in exchange for money, but for your whole life? Because success is a much larger topic than our careers or businesses. 

Tell me about it. Let go of all the ways you’ve prioritized your family’s needs or expectations, your cultural expectations, your company’s expectations, etc… and tell me what you would do and how you would define success. 

I can’t wait to hear!

Everything Begins With a Thought

Every invention, piece of art, new technology or way of life, begins with a thought.

"I'd like to travel more."

"I want to paint."

"I want to start a business."

"I want to make more money."

Then come the thoughts of diminishment. "You can't do that!" "Who do you think you are." "You're not good enough."

In today’s video I'll show you how to breakthrough that thought and live the life of your dreams. 

Get all the details on Think Your Way to Success right here.

What if Failure is a Lie?

I have been thinking about failure and whether failure is a lie or the truth. I know when I’m in the throws of failure, all the negative self-talk I tell myself feels incredibly true. But, then I’ve learned that those loud negative voices are never true. This lovely sunset photo was taken in the aftermath of multiple failures that led me to living in San Diego for eight months, but I don't want to get ahead of myself. Let's get back to, what if failure is a lie?


Let’s consider a few of my failures.

I didn’t get the job.

I didn’t ask for a raise.

I tripped and dropped dinner on the floor.

I ended the marriage.

I left a friendship.

A friend left me.

I forgot to pick the kids up.

I left my baby at home…alone…she was only a few months old! (Totally true)

I could go on, but you get the idea. No doubt, you could make your own list. We’re so good at remembering the failures.

And yet, is it true? Were they failures?

Every one of my failures took me to a better place. Even the whole thing with leaving the baby home alone. It turned out okay. She was asleep the entire time (about 10 minutes that felt like 10 hours!) and was safe and sound when we rushed home the second we realized we had left her in her crib rather than putting her in the car seat. Still, I don’t recommend leaving your baby home, but the truth is, I never did it again and I learned not to be judgmental of the mistakes any of us can make with our kids.

The end of a relationship started me on the spiral that took me to San Diego for eight months. Let's see, was that a spiral of failure? Or was it really success?

Growth spurts

Do you ever feel like you have growth spurts in your life? Where you learn a big lesson and you look back and think, wow. I’ve come a long way! It’s such an awesome feeling! And when does it happen? Usually, after one of those failures.

When I look back there was always some event, or series of events, that preceded a big growth spurt in my life. How could it possibly be a failure if it was followed by something great?

I’ve discovered that failure is a lie. How about you?

Failure is a lie

Make a list of a couple of your failures. Then look at them and ask yourself, “what did I learn?” or “what opened up for me after that event?” You might be amazed, as I was, to discover the story you told yourself, about your failures, was a lie. They were successes. Not the variety of success we had in mind, but we are better because of them. And isn’t the very definition of success to be better than you were?

I’d love to hear what you labeled as failure that you can now look at as a success?

When you know that failure is a lie, what are you inspired to do or try or create?

Share your story in the comments below.