
I'm Looking for Some Awesome People

I'm Looking for Some Really Awesome People.

Yes, I mean you!

Are you the kind of person who has a dream? Who wants to make an impact on the world? On your family? Your community? Your work?

I bet sometimes as you pursue those fantastic dreams, you get derailed. Something stops you.

I bet there is a voice inside your head telling you that you are not _________ enough to make your dreams come true.

Enough Already!

That's right. You are enough. You have enough.

Your dream is sacred. Your dream is your unique contribution to the world. We desperately need your dream to come into form.

Ready to kick "Not Enough" in the butt?

I am. I want to take you with me on the journey and kick those damn thoughts in the butt! I've learned this through experience. It's not theory. This shit works.

Join me for an online program I'll be creating guessed it...Enough Already.

We'll dream our dreams, kick our Not Enough thoughts to the curb and take action to get our dreams out into the world.

Do this now.

Sign-up to be an Enough Already Insider. That's the special group who will be the first to know when the program is ready for registration.

Why is it special? First, there's no obligation. Second, you get free gifts, and who doesn't love that? You'll get them a few minutes after you sign-up. Third, you’ll get special pricing, when registration opens for Enough Already.

I'm also going to be offering a "bring a friend" discount for Enough Already. That way you can share this with a friend and when they register you both get a $50 discount! 

So, go ahead, forward this email to a friend now. That way you can both be Enough Already Insiders and when registration opens there will be instructions as to how to get your "bring a friend" discount. 

Be that person! Be the one who says, ENOUGH ALREADY! I’m going to kick my “Not Enough” thoughts to the curb and empower myself to live the life of my dreams! Because…You are ENOUGH ALREADY!

How's your money story at the holidays?

Money is a complex topic.

We often feel like there isn't enough. The holidays can really drive up the feelings of lack and scarcity. 

This is my second video on money and I did it because the first one was so popular. You can check that out here.

Let's take care of some of that today. 

I've got a cool coaching tip for you today to slay some of our limiting beliefs around money! 

Grab your tea, coffee, glass of wine...whatever makes you feel festive and let's work on our money story! 

My Baby

She's here! I'm so happy to introduce you to my new website!

It's a labor of love to create a website. My focus was on what would serve and inspire those of you who engage in my work, whether it's for the first time or you've been with me since the beginning. 

I'll take you on a spin around the site and fill you in on a free offering I'll be releasing soon. 

I've got a lot of cool stuff coming your way in the next couple of months! I'm thrilled you're hear and look forward to engaging even more as we move through the holidays and into a new year. My desire for all of us it to to Live Lavishly.



How are your circumstances shaping your life?

Are your circumstances shaping your life?

We would all answer yes to that question.

So, what's my point?

Today we're exploring the inner life vs. the outer life.

What do I mean by that?

How you think and feel is the beginning of all creation

I've come to understand this in a deep way. How I am thinking and feeling are the seeds of my circumstances.

If I don't like my circumstances. I need to change how I'm thinking and feeling.

Easier said than done!

Like a good life coach, I have my resources that help me shift and change my life. Resources that liberate me to my own wisdom. That move me forward in owning my brilliance. That's what I want for you too!

Science meets spirituality

I discovered the work of Dr. Joe Dispenza early this year. I watched a documentary he contributed to, What The Bleep Do We Know. I've never been a science person. I was raised on faith and the expectation that I would accept things, on faith, without question. I don't really like that "without question" part anymore.

I love how Dr. Joe takes the complicated topics of  quantum physics and neuroscience and makes them understandable and accessible. He has a new book that was released this week, Becoming Supernatural. How Common People are Doing the Uncommon.

What I've learned through experience

I have learned to use my imagination to create images and feeling states that are what I want to see and feel, regardless of what's happening in my "real life." Then when I meditate to deepen those images, feelings and cultivate awareness of my unconscious thoughts (that keep me limited and less than the highest expression of myself), my circumstances change.

My circumstances change dramatically. Sometimes it takes months, sometimes weeks and sometimes it happens in a day, but over and over this year I've experienced it in small and large ways. Professionally, personally and financially.

Find out more in today's video and I'd love to know if you've experienced the same thing in your life.

Knowing that our inner life is more powerful than our circumstances is how we truly Live Lavishly!

What does a life coach do anyway!

What Does a Life Coach Do Anyway?

This may be my most frequently asked question! If you are unsure yourself, it's okay. You're in good company.

Top Three Reasons You Could Benefit From a Life Coach

Watch today's video to find out the most common reasons I've sought out the services of a Life Coach and why most of my clients work with me.

Then check out my website and see how to get started if you want to explore working with me. Spoiler alert! It's easy. We'll start with a free 30 minute "get to know each other" session and decide what feels right from there. Check out the details on the Coaching page of my site.

I'm Having a Baby!!

I'm Having a Baby!!

I'm sure my kids are dying as they read this! Most of my friends too!

I'm a little past the ideal years for bearing offspring.

What I am birthing is a new website!

A new look and more free stuff!

One of the reasons I want a new site is that I want to have more of my work in the world for free. I like to call it yummy goodness.

I'll keep you posted on the delivery date!


How do you get your creative juices flowing?

How do you get your creative juices flowing?

Maybe you don't feel like you have any creative juice to get flowing! I'm here to tell you, that's not true!

All of us are creative.

We all have ideas.

Every new invention, every piece of art, every object in this beautiful world began as an idea. A thought.

From thought to form.

Every time we take a thought, or idea, and make it real, turn it into form, we are creating.

When you think of it that way, you've created a lot!

Creative space.

It's a lot easier to turn those thoughts and ideas into form when we give ourselves the space to cultivate and nurture our creative juices. Sometimes we spontaneously create something. The idea comes out of nowhere, we act on it and BAM! There it is! The painting, the blog post, the book, the freshly cooked dinner.

For me, it's much more likely that I create a space for myself that encourages my creative juices. What does that mean? I set the intention for this weekend to be one of creative space. I have a new program I'll be releasing soon, I want to free up some time to do more one-on-one coaching and I have some ideas about cool stuff I want to create for the holidays (they'll be here before we know it!) What will I do this weekend to make creative space for myself? Here's how it will look

  • No deadlines or activities to go to. I want to feel the freedom of open time.
  • Feed myself first. I've selected a couple of specific things to nurture my heart and soul.
  • Order. That may sound odd, but I want my house in order. I don't want to create in chaos, so I planned ahead and did the chores I might do on the weekend during the week.
  • Nature. I love to spend time in nature when I'm in my creative space. I'll go for a walk. If I can get near water (a river, ocean, pool, any water will do) I do that, I live on the third floor and back up to a wooded area. Sometimes sitting in my lovely living room looking out at the trees and sky is just what I need.
  • Movement. I might hit the gym for a while, or go for a walk, but my body needs to move. This is not second-nature to me. I have to work on this, but I do notice that moving my body gets my energy moving and that really helps my mind be more creative.
  • Love. Self-love. This means no judgment. No criticism. I don't look at what I create and label it as, not good enough. Even if I re-work it or create another version of it. Whatever I create, I love and value for what it is. Loving a 'raw' version of something opens me up to seeing what it might grow into. If I judge and criticize, it shuts off my creative energy.
  • Enough Already! Yes, rather than focussing on how my creation isn't good enough, big enough, brilliant enough or whatever 'not enough' thing that might cross my mind, I remind myself that I am enough already. That I have everything I need, right now. The seed of every creation, every idea, every program, every gift I might bring to the world is in me. My job is to give it the love and nurturing it needs to be born. I am enough already.

What will you create?

What are you yearning to create in your life?

Will you give yourself the time and space to create it?

This I know for sure, the world needs what you yearn to create.

Love Heals

Love Heals

This is a truth I feel so strongly about. We are divided in our nation in many ways today. We see violence and hatred every day. How do we change that? With one loving action at a time.

When we heal ourselves with love we can heal others

Using love to heal ourselves and others is what I believe in, more today than ever. Does that mean we're passive? That we don't speak out or stand up for what we believe in? No!

I invite you to join me in this important conversation. Standing in our truth, being authentic and doing it all in love.

Get videos and other cool  stuff to Live Lavishly every day right here.

Navigating Life's Transitions

Do you hate change?

I hear this so often as a life coach. There are plenty of folks who hate change. And yet...nothing that grows is stagnant. It seems to me like change is a pretty good thing! I sure as hell don't want to be stagnant. That's not living lavishly to me.

How can we leverage life's transitions?

Our thoughts are the predictors of how stressful our transitions and life changes will feel to us. Today I've got a great demonstration of the power of your thoughts to create joy or stress and how you can use this Life Coach tool to change how stressful your next transition.

Try it out and tell me how it worked for you!

Get videos and other cool  stuff to Live Lavishly every day right here.

Do you have BIG Dreams and Ideas?

Do you have BIG Dreams and Ideas?

I sure do! In today's video, in addition to getting the full picture of how much I like to talk with my hands...we're going to talk about big dreams and ideas. Here's the catch, and all of you dreamers have experienced this: you start to move towards your dream and, BAM! Some stinking thought about how you're not enough or don't have enough will settle in.

Are you enough already? Do you have enough to go for those BIG dreams?

Hell yes! You are enough and you have enough. Right now. The seed of everything great is in you. Otherwise you wouldn't have the great idea, someone else would.

These thoughts about not being enough are really important to me. I've had them hold me back and I see it with clients. Let's slay those bad boys! Watch today's video for how to do that.

How do you know if it's time to leave?

How do you know if it's time to leave?

Whether it's a relationship, a job, a friendship or a project. There are times in our lives when something has come to an end. But, how do we know when to make our move? How do you know if it's time to leave?

Is there ever a good time?

Tomorrow. Then tomorrow doesn't come. The time doesn't ever seem right.

There are bills to pay and kids to feed.

What's the price of not leaving?

That's the real question. We don't always consider the price of staying.

Today we're talking about the age old question, should I stay or should I go?

Do You Ever Feel Like You're Not Enough?

Do You Ever Feel Like You're Not Enough?

I think we have all felt like we aren't enough. We get that terrible thought or feeling that says, you aren't smart enough to do that. Or, you aren't experienced enough to go for that promotion. How about this one, you aren't good enough. Ugh. That one can stop me dead in my tracks.

Sometimes it's money and time. How often have you said, or...uhhh, let's say, someone you know said, "I don't have enough money for that." "I don't have enough time for that!" If we had a dollar for every time we...I mean, someone we know, said that...we'd have plenty of money!

So, what in the world do we do about it?

In today's video I'll give you a good life coaching trick for taking the sting and power out of your "Not Enough" thoughts and feelings.