People Pleaser

Being a People Pleaser When You’re Dating or in a Relationship…. Sucks!

It’s a lethal combo - People Pleasing and dating… or being the people pleaser in a romantic relationship! 


We do too much. 

We give too much. 

We get hurt too much. 

And this is when “too much” isn’t what we’re going for! 

In today’s episode of Liberate Your People Pleaser I’ll give you some hard won strategies for how to keep people pleasing out of your romantic relationships! 

Whether you’re dating or in a relationship you’ll get the big transformation I had to make in order to keep my people pleasing ways out of my dating life! 

Listen to today’s episode HERE

Tell me what your biggest dating or romantic challenge is. There’s nothing more important than keeping certain aspects of being a people pleaser out of the bedroom!

Who Are You Trying To Be?

All of us people pleasers know what it’s like to try to be someone you aren’t.


We want love.


We want approval.


We try desperately to be who our family, spouse, boss, church, or culture wants us to be.


But it’s so hard!


Because that’s not the truth of who we are.


In today’s episode of Liberate Your People Pleaser I’m unpacking this issue.  


Many of my brothers and sisters in the black, indigenous, people of color and LGBTQ+ communities are deeply impacted by this dilemma, where the cost of being authentic can be especially high.


And yet, we are never truly happy unless we are expressing our authentic nature.


This episode begins a theme that I will revisit in future podcasts. The temptation to abandon our authentic self in order to fit in or get the love, approval and acceptance we all crave, is something that must end. For everyone.


This is an open invitation for you to be a guest on the podcast. If you are black, indigenous, a person of color and/or LGBTQ+ I would love to hear your story on this journey from trying to be someone you aren’t, to discovering your authentic expression and then being able to share that out in the world.


You will inspire and encourage others; this I know for sure.


Please email me at and tell me you are ready to explore sharing your story! Someone is out there waiting to hear it.

Listen to today’s episode HERE.

Do You Want to be Seen, Heard and Valued?

So many clients come to me because they are sick of NOT being seen, heard and valued by their lover, boss, or someone else important to them.


For people pleasers this is particularly common because we were conditioned to abandon our authenticity in order to please others. But there is a solution


Today’s Liberate Your People Pleaser episode I will give you specific steps to begin to be seen, heard and valued in your life.


You can start today. There’s nothing more powerful than being seen, heard and valued. You deserve it and you can have it!


Listen to today’s episode HERE. Then share your take-away and what you did in the exercise I gave you. No spoiler alerts. Go watch the episode then tell me all about it!

Is it THAT Simple?

Sometimes things are simple, but not necessarily easy. 

Boundaries can be that way for us people pleasers. 

We get the concept, usually, but, how to do it… that’s something else all together! 

In today’s episode of Liberate Your People Pleaser I’ve got some amazing steps to break down the boundary settling process. 

Catch today’s episode HERE

One of the things I mention in the episode is my new Boundaries for People Pleasers coaching package. If you’ve got a boundary that needs setting, this package is for you! 

You can get more deets about Boundaries for People Pleasers HERE.

There’s nothing more important to learn than how to set boundaries and trust me, what ever impossible feeling situation you have… together we can find the answer to setting the boundary and liberating your people pleaser!

You’re Going To Like This!

Have you ever rebelled? 

Sure you have! 

I was such a serious people pleaser it took me until I was in my late 30’s to actually do it, but, when I did… I’m just sayin… I was a rebellion expert for about 10 years! 

Rebellion can be a gift. 

I’m serious! 

I needed to rebel to get out of all the thoughts and away from all the people who were keeping me very limited. 

I’ll tell you more about it in today’s podcast episode, “Rebellion Is A Gift.”

I hope after you listen to the episode you’ll be able to find the ways your rebellion has served you. 

I’d love to hear about it! Let me know in the comments and tell me about it. Better yet, if you rebelled and you can’t see how it served you, share that with me and I’ll help you find the gift. 

I can’t wait to hear what you think about this episode of Liberate Your People Pleaser!

The Color of Freedom

It’s a story that doesn’t seem true. But it is. 

In today’s podcast I’ll share how “remembering” my favorite color was the catalyst to my freedom. 

It’s so easy to slide down that slippery slope of pleasing others. Especially when it’s a spouse or other family members. 

I just wanted a good marriage. A happy family. 

Slowly, little by little, I became so lost I didn’t know my favorite color. 

Thankfully, that’s not where the story ends. 

Listen to today’s podcast, The Color of Freedom and hear how I began to liberate myself. 

If I can do it, you can. 

It is my mission and joy to coach others into their liberation. Let me know when you’re ready to explore working together. Shoot me an email with the subject, “I’m ready for freedom.”  We’ll take the next step together.

The Ideal Love You Deserve

We all hunger for love and approval. 

I’ve done some pretty crazy things to feel loved or to get someone’s approval. 

In today’s podcast episode, Liberate Your People Pleaser, The Ideal Love You Deserve, I’ll give you a fool-proof and easy way to get that love and approval. 

The best part is, you can do it yourself. That way, you’re in charge. You won’t disappoint yourself. And it will feel soooo empowering! 

I don’t want to spoil it, so click HERE and listen to the episode!

Why Is It So Hard?

I have so many clients tell me they know what they should do.


They just can’t seem to do it.


We’ve all been there.


You know you’re putting everyone first - at the expense of yourself.


You know the best way to serve your family and others is to do it from a “full cup.” The old, “put your oxygen mask on first, then help the person next to you,” theory.


But you still find yourself saying yes and doing more than you should. Or feeling guilty if you don’t.


Why is it so damn hard, especially when we know better?


Let’s use our closet as a metaphor.


The same clothes. Day after day. They are nice. But you realize, you’ve “outgrown” some of them, in one way or another.


Your style has changed, your body has changed. There are pieces in your wardrobe that just aren’t appealing anymore. Of course, some of them are fine. Some are favorites. But there are always a few that really need to go.


You know you need to clean out the closet; discard some things, possibly have an item or two altered, and buy a few new pieces.


And yet, you keep wearing them. You’re busy. You rationalize that they aren’t that bad. You shouldn’t be greedy, maybe you don’t need to buy anything?  Who are you to spend the money on alterations! Just wear what you have and be grateful.


And there you have it. Life.


Life in a closet.


When it comes to people and situations in our lives, it’s the same.


There’s a relationship with a friend, co-worker, boss, business partner, lover, spouse, your mother… and you know it needs change. It needs altering. Or a good cleaning out, maybe even discarding, in order for you to thrive.


You know it. You tell yourself, “next time we talk…” and yet it doesn’t happen.


Why is that?


We know better, but we don’t always do better.


Because being the way you’ve been has been deeply engrained. It’s a serious habit!


And habits don’t start or stop easily.


That’s why coaching is so important.


You need an advocate.


Someone to help you communicate differently.


Break the habit of feeling and doing for others first and yourself… not first.


These are the dragons I slay all day every day, so, you’re in good hands!


There are several ways you can let me help you put yourself first! And NOT in a selfish way!


1. Join my FREE Private Facebook Group, Liberate Your People Pleaser! We talk about how to break those habits that our people pleaser got stuck in!  Click here to join.

2. Join the “Freedom is Calling You” FREE Facebook Challenge coming in August! For now, join Liberate Your People and you’ll get all the deets there.

3. Work with me 1:1. It’s the most powerful way to break those people pleasing habits. To explore a 1:1 experience with me, book a 15-Minute call and we’ll figure it out! Book your call HERE.


I can’t wait to connect with you!