
Do you want to be fearless? Not me!

What role does fear play in your life? 

Are you trying to “get rid of it” because you imagine that without fear, you’d be the confident badass you want to be? 

Here’s the good news I’m sharing in today’s episode of Uncover and Elevate, you don’t need to be fearless in order to be the confident badass you want to be! 

In this episode we’ll uncover:

  • Myths about fear

  • When to trust fear

  • How to let your confident badass self shine with or without fear!

You can listen to today’s episode HERE.

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How Fear Can Keep You Trapped

Fear can be tricky. 

If you’re afraid of putting your hand on a hot stove… GREAT! Keep that fear. 

More often than not, fear keeps us trapped in self-judgment and stress!  

In today’s episode of Uncover and Elevate, I’ll break-down how fear keeps us trapped in habits and thoughts that limit our lives. 

I’ll also talk about how fear, initially, is benevolent. It’s there to help. But what it wants to help us with may not be obvious.

I’ll also give you some tools for how to break through fear, find the real issue that the fear was trying to protect you from and get out of limitation and feeling trapped. 

Listen to today’s episode HERE. 

Please share this episode on social and tag me! Then I’d love for you to post a 5 Start Review wherever you get your podcasts. It makes such a big difference and will help others find the show. I’ll be incredibly grateful!

Do You Ever Think You're Not Enough?

One of the biggest things that I work on with clients is this: the fear that you’re not good enough.

The fear that you’re not good enough is a fear that affects everyone, though it shows up differently for each person (for some of you, “not good enough” expresses itself as going into workaholic overachiever mode; for others it shows up as comparisons; for others it shows up as procrastination and avoidance and not finishing what you start).

We all wonder at times if we are enough. This question, however, can turn into a painful filter through which we see the world and result in significant shame and sadness if left unexamined. While it is normal to have some self doubt, notably during the teenage and young adult years, it can become a painful consistent part of our life. Shame is a painful emotion, it whispers to us that “we’re not good enough” and worse yet, tells us we shouldn’t tell anyone about these parts of ourselves.

In today’s episode of Liberate Your People Pleaser I’m going to dig deep and answer some very important questions regarding today’s subject.

Why do we feel/ think like we are not enough?

How do we overcome this feeling or mindset that we are not Enough?

How to actually improve your self-esteem and stop dragging yourself down?

All of that am going to discuss in this week’s Episode with my guest Amy Smith

Listen to today’s episode HERE.

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What are you ready to let go of?

I posted that question on social media this week and got some interesting answers!


If you don’t follow me on social media, I’m @lavishbrenda on IG and have a private FB Group, Liberate Your People Pleaser you can join HERE.


Some of the things being left behind: self-doubt, the need for acceptance and approval, uncertainty, relationships where they aren’t seen, heard and valued, jobs that suck the life out of them, and my personal “leave-behind,” scarcity.


As people pleasers it’s so easy to get caught in the fear of all those things. Notice, everything that we want to leave behind was created through fear.


Fear motivates most of the behaviors that hold us back. Fear of being rejected. Fear of not being good enough. Fear of failing. Fear of not being loved and accepted. Fear of making a mistake or “failing” in some way.


What do we do about it?.


Fear is like a bully. Once you face it, it begins to shrink.  


For instance, the fear that you won’t be loved and accepted is part of why you’re in a relationship where you aren’t seen and heard. How do I know? Because if you weren’t afraid of being loved and accepted, you would simply and clearly ask for what you want and need. If your partner, coworker, boss or friend repeatedly ignored or dismissed your wants and needs, you wouldn’t tolerate it.


You naturally attract people into your life who reflect your inner love and acceptance. 


I used to have a lot of fear about being loved and accepted. I felt so invisible growing up, that I was naturally drawn to people who would repeat that pattern for me. Romantic relationships is where I had most of my challenges, but I have clients that have it at work, with friends, even random strangers.


Fear keeps us silent. Fear keeps us prioritizing others. Fear keeps us from being seen and heard.


Once I unraveled that fear (that’s the hard part, but trust me, it can be done. I did it. I coach others on how to do it) I seemed to magically be surrounded by people who genuinely loved me, accepted me and were happy to hear about what I wanted and needed.


Voila! I was seen and heard! By all sorts of people!


Now I can spot it right away when someone isn’t interested in seeing me and hearing me.


It’s extremely empowering!


What fear do you need to let go of? You don’t have to know how. It starts with recognizing it and looking at it. Noticing all the places it weaves itself into your life. Fear can be quite insidious. When we look at it, we open the door to releasing it.


Let me know in the comments the fear you’re ready to look in the eye and leave behind!

Love or Fear?

I have a client who is facing a host of life changes. Career, finances, needing to move, relationship challenges, you name it! Life is hitting this client on all fronts. 

This is one of my super-powers, helping people navigate really stressful times of massive change. 

Why? Because I’ve done it myself, many times. 

One of the biggest lessons I’ve learned is that we have to choose love over fear. 

Fear = anxiety, “not enough time,” limitation, scarcity, forcing outcomes, a feeling of powerlessness. 

Love = open to possibility, allowing, abundance, and a feeling that you are supported by invisible and visible forces. 

No matter how dire a situation is, and I say this knowing what it is like to have $50 and Googling homeless shelters, fear NEVER helps us find our best solution. 

Fear puts us in a box. And that box is very small. There aren’t a lot of options. It’s the home of “this or that” thinking. When we think small, we get small. 

Fear also gets us focused on the past or the future. A past that stresses or pisses us off and a future that seems grim. 

In fear, we feel powerless. 

Love, on the other hand, allows us to be open and trust that there are lots of possibilities. Even ones that we aren’t thinking about. We can ask for help, knowing there are tons of resources in the universe. 

Love allows us to be in the present moment, not in the past or future where we have no power. 

Love = power. 

Fear = powerless. 

Sure, it can be hard, when life is piling up on you, to find love. 

That’s why I’m here.

It’s my life’s work (and joy) to facilitate clients in choosing love over fear. No matter what the circumstances are. 

Where are you at today? 

Will you choose love, or fear? 

I’m here if you need a guide to help you. I’ve always had guides who have helped me. 

The first step towards love is to ask for the help you deserve.

Taking a Big Leap after Failure

I’ve totally bombed a few times in my life. 

I’m being vulnerable and honest in this week’s episode. You can listen to it HERE.

I am in the middle of another big leap right now. 

I’ve had to be diligent with my mindset. My last big leap was a bomb! So, it’s easy to get fearful with this big leap. 

Fear is not helpful in taking a big leap! In fact, it’s like staring into a wall you don’t want to his and boom! You hit it because you’ve been staring at it! 

I don’t want to spoil the episode. Watch it HERE, then tell me about one of your big leaps!

You are bigger than your fear.

Breathe that in. You are bigger than your fear.

When you’re living with fear, it doesn’t feel that way. I know.

Here’s the deal. If you couldn’t pull off the ‘thing’ that scares you, you wouldn’t even have the thought to do it!

Hear that truth.

We imagine things and want the things we want, we have the ambitions we have, the dreams and yearnings we have, BECAUSE we have the ability to achieve them. Thomas Edison had an idea for a light bulb. No one believed he could do it. He failed 10,000 times! I imagine he felt a little fear during those 10,000 failures. And then… he got it.

Your dreams, ambitions and yearnings are a gift from the Divine. The world needs you to do what you’re afraid to do.

I don’t know about you, but I want it all!

I want to live, love and thrive in my entire life! It’s not enough to be a good mom, or great friend, or have a fun sex life, or a successful business…take out the “or” baby! I want it all! That’s why I love all the women gathering for my new program, Live Lavishly!

Live Lavishly will show you how to slay that fear. You’re bigger than your fear, and… you may need some help slaying it. No problem. There’s no shame in that! We aren’t designed to “go it alone” in life. That’s why I love being a life coach! Coaching people through what scares them and gets in the way of the life they desire, well, that’s what I yearn for!  

Won’t you join me and a powerful group of women who are choosing to get past their fears and Live Lavishly! Get all the deets and register here. Now. Yes. Choose you.